Dynamics AX 2009 Service Pack 1 is sending the date/time referred to the dhEvento tag with the wrong format because the AX company is configured to use a different Time Zone than (GMT -03:00) Brasilia.
According to the Taxpayer Guidance Manual (Manual de Orientacao Contribuinte v5.00.pdf), the field must be in the format AAAA-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (UTC - Universal Coordinated Time) where TZD should be -02:00 (Fernando de Noronha), -03:00 (Brasília) or -04:00 (Manaus), and during the daylight saving time period it would be -01:00, -02:00 and -03:00. The Fiscal Authority (SEFAZ) rejects the XML with the following code, but the error is not updated in the AX form because SEFAZ returns the XML string in a different format: "215 - Rejection: XML schema failed."