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August 2014 update for Lync 2013 (KB2881083)

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This update KB2881083 resolves a list of issues. This update version is 15.0.4641.1000.

Note To determine the version of Lync 2013, follow these steps:
  1. In Lync 2013, click the Options button.
  2. On the Help menu, click About Microsoft Lync.

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Issues that the update fixes

This update resolves the following issues:

Note To resolve these issues, you must also install the following update KB2881070:
2881070 August 2014 update for Lync 2013 (KB2881070)

  • 2981753 Lync 2013 meeting issues after you install Lync Meeting Add-in for Office 2013
  • 2985514 Lync 2013 signs out and then signs in every 30 minutes

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More Information

File information
After the update is installed, the global version of this update has the file attributes, or a later version of the file attributes, that are listed in the following table.

This update may not contain all the files that you must have to fully update a product to the latest build. This update contains only the files that you must have to correct the issues that are listed in this article.

x86 Lynchelp-en-us.msp file information
File nameFile versionFile sizeDateTimePlatform
Lync.hxs_103315.0.4407.1141,08827-Jul-20143:41Not Applicable
Lync_basic.hxs_103315.0.4407.1139,19227-Jul-20143:41Not Applicable
Lync_online.hxs_103315.0.4407.1140,96627-Jul-20143:41Not Applicable
Lync_onlineg.hxs_103315.0.4514.1138,60027-Jul-20143:41Not Applicable
Lync_onlineg_col.hxc_1033Not Applicable65627-Jul-20143:41Not Applicable
Lync_onlineg_col.hxt_1033Not Applicable21227-Jul-20143:41Not Applicable
Lync_onlineg_f_col.hxk_1033Not Applicable11427-Jul-20143:41Not Applicable
Lync_onlineg_k_col.hxk_1033Not Applicable11327-Jul-20143:41Not Applicable
x64 Lynchelp-en-us.msp file information
File nameFile versionFile sizeDateTimePlatform
Lync.hxs_103315.0.4407.1141,08827-Jul-20143:41Not Applicable
Lync_basic.hxs_103315.0.4407.1139,19227-Jul-20143:41Not Applicable
Lync_online.hxs_103315.0.4407.1140,96627-Jul-20143:41Not Applicable
Lync_onlineg.hxs_103315.0.4514.1138,60027-Jul-20143:41Not Applicable
Lync_onlineg_col.hxc_1033Not Applicable65627-Jul-20143:41Not Applicable
Lync_onlineg_col.hxt_1033Not Applicable21227-Jul-20143:41Not Applicable
Lync_onlineg_f_col.hxk_1033Not Applicable11427-Jul-20143:41Not Applicable
Lync_onlineg_k_col.hxk_1033Not Applicable11327-Jul-20143:41Not Applicable

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Keywords: kb, kbsurveynew, kbexpertiseinter, kbfix, atdownload

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Article Info
Article ID : 2881083
Revision : 4
Created on : 5/6/2020
Published on : 5/6/2020
Exists online : False
Views : 589