NOTE: If you plan to operate in a mixed Exchange 5.5 and Exchange 2000 environment, then you must run Forest Prep again to recreate the ADC container with the right Access Control Lists (ACLs).
If your environment is to contain Exchange 2000 exclusively, you can recreate the ADC container in one of two ways; install the ADC again and set its service to disabled, or manually create the object in the Active Directory as noted below:
- Start Adsiedit.exe (in the Microsoft Windows 2000 support tools).
- Connect to a global catalog.
- Click to expand the Configuration Container object.
- Locate the following path:
CN=Microsoft Exchange
- In the right pane, click the Microsoft Exchange container.
- Right-click the Microsoft Exchange container, click New in the shortcut menu, and then click Object.
- Click container as the class object.
- On the next tab, type Active Directory Connections for the value.
- Click Finish to finish creating the container.
- Verify that the new object has been created. There should now be two child objects under the "CN=Microsoft Exchange" object.