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How to test Windows 2000 IIS SMTP services manually

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This article describes the steps that are necessary to test the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) service for any system.

Test the SMTP Service

To test the SMTP service, follow these steps:
  1. On Windows 2000, at a command prompt, type Telnet and press ENTER.
  2. At the telnet prompt, type set Local_Echo and press ENTER, and then type open <machinename> 25 and press ENTER. The output resembles the following:
    220 ESMTP Server (Microsoft Exchange Internet Mail Service 5.5.2651.58) ready
  3. Type helo me and press ENTER. The output resembles the following:
    250 OK
  4. Type mail and press ENTER. The output resembles the following:
    250 OK - mail from <>
  5. Type rcpt and press ENTER. The output resembles the following:
    250 OK - Recipient <>
  6. Type Data and press ENTER. The output resembles the following:
    354 Send data.  End with CRLF.CRLF
  7. Type Subject:This is a test and press ENTER twice.
  8. Type Testing and press ENTER.
  9. Press ENTER, type a period (.), and press ENTER. The output resembles the following:
    250 OK
  10. Type quit and press ENTER. The output resembles the following:
    221 Closing Port / Mail queued for delivery

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Keywords: KB286421, kbmsg, kbhowtomaster

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Article Info
Article ID : 286421
Revision : 6
Created on : 5/20/2005
Published on : 5/20/2005
Exists online : False
Views : 471