To implement this hotfix, you must have a developer license.
You do not have to have rights to the data stores unless you have to perform data repair.
To resolve this problem, change the code in the DataItem Vendor table (325) in the VAT Posting Setup report (10710) as follows:
IF AmountEUService < 0 THEN
AmountEUService := -AmountEUService;
AmountEUService := AmountEUService + NoTaxableAmountEUService;
IF CorrIncludedForEUServiceAmount OR (AmountEUService <> 0) THEN BEGIN
TextAmount := COPYSTR(FormatTextAmt(AmountEUService),3,13);
// Delete the following line.
CustVendCountry.GET(Customer2."Country/Region Code");
// End of the deleted line.
Txt :=
'2' + '349' + FiscalYear + PADSTR(VatRegNo,9,' ') + PADSTR('',58,' ') +
FORMAT(CustVendCountry."EU Country/Region Code",2) + FORMAT(CustVendVatRegNo,15) +
PADSTR(CONVERTSTR(UPPERCASE(Vendor2.Name),'µ·ÔÖÞàãé륚€()"&ï','AAEEIIOOUUÑUÇ '),40,' ') +
'I' + CONVERTSTR(TextAmount,' ','0') + PADSTR('',354,' ');
NoOperations := NoOperations + 1;
TotalAmtReciv := TotalAmtReciv + AmountEUService;
IF AmountEUService < 0 THEN
AmountEUService := -AmountEUService;
AmountEUService := AmountEUService + NoTaxableAmountEUService;
IF CorrIncludedForEUServiceAmount OR (AmountEUService <> 0) THEN BEGIN
TextAmount := COPYSTR(FormatTextAmt(AmountEUService),3,13);
// Add the following line.
CustVendCountry.GET(Vendor2."Country/Region Code");
// End of the added line.
Txt :=
'2' + '349' + FiscalYear + PADSTR(VatRegNo,9,' ') + PADSTR('',58,' ') +
FORMAT(CustVendCountry."EU Country/Region Code",2) + FORMAT(CustVendVatRegNo,15) +
PADSTR(CONVERTSTR(UPPERCASE(Vendor2.Name),'µ·ÔÖÞàãé륚€()"&ï','AAEEIIOOUUÑUÇ '),40,' ') +
'I' + CONVERTSTR(TextAmount,' ','0') + PADSTR('',354,' ');
NoOperations := NoOperations + 1;
TotalAmtReciv := TotalAmtReciv + AmountEUService;