To create the data access page and the appropriate script to find a selected record, follow these steps:
- Open the sample database Northwind.mdb.
- In the Database window, click Pages under Objects, and then double-click Create data access page by using wizard.
- Under Tables/Queries, click the arrow, and then click Table: Customers in the list.
- Click the >> button to move all the fields from the Available Fields list to the Selected Fields list, and then click Finish.
- If the toolbox is not displayed, click Toolbox on the View menu.
- In the toolbox, click Dropdown List, and then click anywhere on the page to add the dropdown list control.
- Set the following properties for the dropdown list control:
ID: CustID
ListRowSource: Table: Customers
ListBoundField: CustomerID
- Right-click anywhere on the page, and then click Microsoft Script Editor on the shortcut menu to open the HTML source.
- In the Client Objects & Events dropdown list, click CustID, and then click onchange in the Events dropdown list.
- Type or paste the following script:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=vbscript FOR=CustID EVENT=onchange>
Dim rs
Set rs = MSODSC.DefaultRecordset
rs.Find "[CustomerID] = '" & document.all.item("CustID").value & "'", 0, 1, 1
'0 = Skip zero records before starting the search.
'1 = Search in a forward direction.
'1 = Always begin the search with the first record in the recordset.
Note To search for numeric data, change the command line in the script as follows:
rs.Find "[CustomerID] = " & document.all.item("CustID").value
- Save the page as Page1.htm, and then click Page View on the View menu.
- Click a value in the CustID drop-down list to move the data access page to that record.