Consider the following scenario:
Additionally, the following event is logged in the Application log:
- Update Rollup 6 for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 2 (SP2) or a later update rollup is installed in an environment that contains multiple Active Directory sites.
- The sites have Internet-facing Client Access servers.
- Internal and external URLs are configured on the Internet-facing Client Access servers.
- You try to synchronize a device to a mailbox by using Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync (EAS).
- The device sends EAS requests to a Client Access server that is not in the Active Directory site on which the Mailbox server is located.
Additionally, the following event is logged in the Application log:
Log Name: Application Source: MSExchange ActiveSync Date: Date and Time Event ID: 1044 Task Category: Requests Level: Warning Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: COMPUTER Description: The Client Access server doesn't have the InternalURL value set for the Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync virtual directory. This prevents Exchange ServiceDiscovery from finding the MobileSyncService information for user MBX server . At least one Client Access server in the user's mailbox Active Directory site must have the InternalURL value set. The format for the InternalURL value is https://hostname/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync
- If this issue occurs in an on-premises-only installation of Exchange Server 2010, an entry is logged in the Internet Information Services (IIS) log files. The following is a sample of this entry:
Date Time POST /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync/default.eas Cmd=Provision&DeviceType=DeviceType&User=user1 &DeviceId=DeviceId&Log=RdirTo:https%3a%2f%2fmail-eu.contoso.coml%2fMicrosoft-Server-ActiveSync_V25_LdapC1_Cpo19984_Fet20015_S130_Error:DiscoveryInfoMissing_Mbx:mbx1.contoso.com_Budget:(D)Conn%3a1%2cHangingConn%3a0%2cAD%3a%24null%2f%24null%2f0%25%2cCAS%3a%24null%2f%24null%2f0%25%2cAB%3a%24null%2f%24null%2f0%25%2cRPC%3a%24null%2f%24null%2f0%25%2cFC%3a%24null%2f0%2cPolicy%3aDefaultThrottlingPolicy%2cNorm_ 443 contoso\user1 UserAgent - 403 0 0 1477 523 20046 - You can use the following Log Parser Studio query to identify which users are affected when this issue occurs:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS Hits, cs-username AS User
FROM '[LOGFILEPATH]' WHERE cs-uri-query LIKE '%DiscoveryInfoMissing%'