To resolve this problem, obtain Fix_intraarray.vbs, and then run it on the affected ISA Server. To obtain Fix_intraarray.vbs, visit the following Jim Harrison Web site:
You do not have to restart the ISA services after you run this script, but if you have ISA Management open when you run the script, click the affected server under
Servers and Arrays,
ArrayName, and then press F5 to update the display.
msFPCIntraArrayAddress value is only used in array mode. You can ignore this error in ISA Server 2000 Standard Edition in Standalone mode or in ISA Server 2000 Enterprise Edition in Standalone mode. To prevent the event from being logged in these two modes, install ISA Server 2000 Service Pack 2 (SP2). ISA Server 2000 SP2 will not modify the incorrect value. Therefore, you may still have to run the Fix_intraarray.vbs script to correct the IP address if the installation type is array mode and if you are receiving this error. In array mode, the
msFPCIntraArrayAddress value can be changed by using the ISA MMC snap-in.
To modify the
msFPCIntraArrayAddress value by using the ISA MMC, follow these steps:
- Open the ISA MMC snap-in.
- Expand the Servers and Arrays node, and then click Computers.
- Right-click the server name, and then click Properties.
- Click the Array Membership tab, and then modify the intra array IP address.
- Repeat step3 and step 4 for each server that is in the array.
- Click OK.
For additional information about how to obtain ISA Server 2000 service packs, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
How to obtain the latest Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2000 service pack