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The Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router incoming profile experiences the following error during Test Access: "The server to which the application is connected cannot impersonate the requested user due to insufficient permission"

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The Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-mail Router experiences the following error when testing access on the accounts listed the incoming profile:

"The server to which the application is connected cannot impersonate the requested user due to insufficient permission"

This error may also appear in the Application Event Log after the e-mail router has been deployed.

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Exchange Server impersonation access rights are not granted or applied correctly to the incoming profile service account. When this occurs, the e-mail router incoming profile service account cannot access the specified mailboxes to check for incoming e-mail to be processed as Microsoft Dynamics CRM e-mail activity records. 

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To resolve the issue, apply the appropriate impersonation rights based on the version of Exchange specified in the incoming profile.

For Exchange 2007, please see the following Exchange 2007 MSDN article:

Note: Impersonation access must be setup on the Client Access Server as noted in in the procedure "To configure Exchange Impersonation on a server for a user".

For Exchange 2010, please see the following Exchange 2010 MSDN article:

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Keywords: kbmbspartner, kbmbsmigrate, kbsurveynew, kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 2834481
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 3/29/2013
Exists online : False
Views : 159