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After migrating from Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online to Microsoft Dynamics CRM On Premise, errors occur when working with SystemUser records

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After importing a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online organization into a Microsoft Dynamics CRM On Premise deployment, various issues occur with System User records. Specific symptoms include:

1. When trying to assign the System Administrator Security Role to a CRM user, the following error occurs:

System.Web.HttpUnhandledException: Microsoft Dynamics CRM has experienced an error. Reference number for administrators or support: #009FAAB1

Error Details:

Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]: System.Web.HttpUnhandledException: Microsoft Dynamics CRM has experienced an error. Reference number for administrators or support: #009FAAB1Detail:

2. When trying to modify a System User record in CRM, the following error occurs:

An error has occurred.

Error Details:

Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]: Assembly Microsoft.Crm.Yammer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 can not be loaded from GAC.Detail:
<OrganizationServiceFault xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <ErrorDetails xmlns:d2p1="" />
  <Message>Assembly Microsoft.Crm.Yammer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 can not be loaded from GAC.</Message>
  <InnerFault i:nil="true" />
  <TraceText i:nil="true" />

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CRM Online has been updated to include the ability to integrate with Yammer. This update is currently not available for CRM On Premise.

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To resolve this issue, the Yammer integration needs to be removed from the database. This can be done with the following scripts:

--Remove UpdateYammerProperties SDK Message from the database
delete from SdkMessageResponseFieldBase where SdkMessageResponseId='1c4e947e-79f0-4e35-b2a8-000959ef93f4'
delete from SdkMessageResponseBase where SdkMessageResponseId='1c4e947e-79f0-4e35-b2a8-000959ef93f4'
delete from SdkMessageRequestFieldBase where SdkMessageRequestId='a951346f-b39e-44a3-8cfa-9e1d596573d9'
delete from SdkMessageRequestBase where SdkMessageRequestId='a951346f-b39e-44a3-8cfa-9e1d596573d9'
delete from SdkMessageProcessingStepBase where SdkMessageProcessingStepId = 'ea822b51-e812-4cf0-938b-2fb9baebf4c5'
delete from SdkMessageFilterBase where SdkMessageFilterId = 'fec3b044-425a-4dfa-ad49-b7cb150be9f0'
delete from SdkMessagePairBase where SdkMessagePairId = '190a01bb-7d20-4d08-a862-91f538bb0756'
delete from SdkMessageBase where SdkMessageId = 'fdc7ffae-6c75-48f0-890a-b9cb96d43de3'
--Remove references from the BaseIds table (note: there are no ids table for SdkMessageResponseField and SdkMessageRequestField entities)
delete from SdkMessageResponseBaseIds where SdkMessageResponseId='1c4e947e-79f0-4e35-b2a8-000959ef93f4'
delete from SdkMessageRequestBaseIds where SdkMessageRequestId='a951346f-b39e-44a3-8cfa-9e1d596573d9'
delete from SdkMessageProcessingStepBaseIds where SdkMessageProcessingStepId = 'ea822b51-e812-4cf0-938b-2fb9baebf4c5'
delete from SdkMessageFilterBaseIds where SdkMessageFilterId = 'fec3b044-425a-4dfa-ad49-b7cb150be9f0'
delete from SdkMessagePairBaseIds where SdkMessagePairId = '190a01bb-7d20-4d08-a862-91f538bb0756'
delete from SdkMessageBaseIds where SdkMessageId = 'fdc7ffae-6c75-48f0-890a-b9cb96d43de3'

--Remove FollowInYammer SDK Message and its' pluginType from the database
delete from SdkMessageResponseFieldBase where SdkMessageResponseId='0BF5D7C1-345A-4B13-80C4-A7C2727B20F2'
delete from SdkMessageResponseBase where SdkMessageResponseId='0BF5D7C1-345A-4B13-80C4-A7C2727B20F2'
delete from SdkMessageRequestFieldBase where SdkMessageRequestId='83CC2E86-631F-498A-8300-A5AC2547AB3E'
delete from SdkMessageRequestBase where SdkMessageRequestId='83CC2E86-631F-498A-8300-A5AC2547AB3E'
delete from SdkMessageProcessingStepBase where SdkMessageProcessingStepId = '1B1B9068-E700-40C1-8C9F-9FC7A473A2C1'
delete from SdkMessageFilterBase where SdkMessageFilterId = 'A43CE9F5-2698-4F1D-82D9-6FA179AB51D9'
delete from SdkMessagePairBase where SdkMessagePairId = '00F48FF1-DF35-48BC-B846-9DEB63A3DACB'
delete from SdkMessageBase where SdkMessageId = '5E4361F9-B294-4884-A186-6AB7B9F5FEA1'
delete from PluginTypeBase where PluginTypeId = 'EDEF9169-DBC7-49D9-BE83-FCCB9C692B48'

--Remove references from the BaseIds table (note: there are no ids table for SdkMessageResponseField and SdkMessageRequestField entities)
delete from SdkMessageResponseBaseIds where SdkMessageResponseId='0BF5D7C1-345A-4B13-80C4-A7C2727B20F2'
delete from SdkMessageRequestBaseIds where SdkMessageRequestId='83CC2E86-631F-498A-8300-A5AC2547AB3E'
delete from SdkMessageProcessingStepBaseIds where SdkMessageProcessingStepId = '1B1B9068-E700-40C1-8C9F-9FC7A473A2C1'
delete from SdkMessageFilterBaseIds where SdkMessageFilterId = 'A43CE9F5-2698-4F1D-82D9-6FA179AB51D9'
delete from SdkMessagePairBaseIds where SdkMessagePairId = '00F48FF1-DF35-48BC-B846-9DEB63A3DACB'
delete from SdkMessageBaseIds where SdkMessageId = '5E4361F9-B294-4884-A186-6AB7B9F5FEA1'
delete from PluginTypeBaseIds where PluginTypeId = 'EDEF9169-DBC7-49D9-BE83-FCCB9C692B48'

--Remove PostFollow.Create plugin
delete from SdkMessageProcessingStepBase where SdkMessageProcessingStepId = 'D87006BC-3423-461d-8821-EA4120995C16'
delete from PluginTypeBase where PluginTypeId = '2CEFE901-742F-48e1-8741-FA862274F30B'
delete from SdkMessageProcessingStepBaseIds where SdkMessageProcessingStepId = 'D87006BC-3423-461d-8821-EA4120995C16'
delete from PluginTypeBaseIds where PluginTypeId = '2CEFE901-742F-48e1-8741-FA862274F30B'

--Remove SystemUser.Update plugin
delete from SdkMessageProcessingStepBase where SdkMessageProcessingStepId = 'AA12BB05-EAE1-4fbc-A2BE-E21CE11F7386'
delete from PluginTypeBase where PluginTypeId = '09F61DB5-F673-4401-8C64-109BF7D38416'
delete from SdkMessageProcessingStepBaseIds where SdkMessageProcessingStepId = 'AA12BB05-EAE1-4fbc-A2BE-E21CE11F7386'
delete from PluginTypeBaseIds where PluginTypeId = '09F61DB5-F673-4401-8C64-109BF7D38416'

--Remove the Plugin Assembly Microsoft.Crm.Yammer
delete from PluginAssemblyBase where PluginAssemblyId = '0B887035-5406-44e5-9EE1-0ABCBF980849'
delete from PluginAssemblyBaseIds where PluginAssemblyId = '0B887035-5406-44e5-9EE1-0ABCBF980849'

--Remove the PostJsonPlugin and its assembly Microsoft.Crm.ExternalProxy.dll
delete from PluginTypeBase where PluginTypeId = 'A4D7EAAF-9D37-4AC2-98A3-CCB372156479'
delete from PluginTypeBaseIds where PluginTypeId = 'A4D7EAAF-9D37-4AC2-98A3-CCB372156479'
delete from PluginAssemblyBase where PluginAssemblyId = 'E220F237-7DBE-4F0C-BE6D-18B08DD78271'
delete from PluginAssemblyBaseIds where PluginAssemblyId = 'E220F237-7DBE-4F0C-BE6D-18B08DD78271'

--Remove Yammer's Async Operation Job
DELETE FROM [dbo].[AsyncOperationBase] where [AsyncOperationId]='6EF45A82-1AAB-48ab-8301-CD753F265214'

--Deletes prvConfigureYammer privilege 
Declare @privilegeId as uniqueidentifier

Select @privilegeId =PrivilegeId From Privilege
Where Name = 'prvConfigureYammer'

Select * From RolePrivileges
Where PrivilegeId =  @privilegeId

Select * From RoleTemplatePrivileges
Where PrivilegeId =  @privilegeId

Select * From PrivilegeObjectTypeCodes
Where PrivilegeId =  @privilegeId

--Starts deleting the Privilege entries
Delete RolePrivileges
Where PrivilegeId =  @privilegeId

Delete RoleTemplatePrivileges
Where PrivilegeId =  @privilegeId

Delete PrivilegeObjectTypeCodes
Where PrivilegeId =  @privilegeId

Delete Privilege
Where PrivilegeId =  @privilegeId

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More Information

This script will not be required after Update Rollup 13 is released for Microsoft Dynamics CRM On Premise.

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Keywords: kbmbspartner, kbmbsmigrate, kbsurveynew, kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 2830704
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 5/16/2013
Exists online : False
Views : 164