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Definitions of Technical Support incidents and Advisory Services

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Definition of support incidents

Microsoft Dynamics Technical Support incidents can be used in scenarios for which the following conditions are true: 
  • Specific symptoms are encountered while you are using Microsoft Dynamics products. 
  • There is a reasonable expectation that the problems are caused by Microsoft products.
Support incidents provide reactive support that focuses on a specific problem, error message, or functionality that is not working as intended. An incident is defined as a single support issue and the reasonable effort that is required to resolve it. A single support issue is a problem that cannot be broken down into subordinate issues. If a problem consists of subordinate issues, each of these issues shall be considered a separate incident. Support incidents cannot be used for general advice and guidance. 

You, the customer, are responsible for implementing the procedures that are required to safeguard the integrity and security of your software and data. You are also responsible for reconstructing lost or altered files that result from software failures. 

Definition of Advisory Services

Partner Advisory Hours are used for Advisory Services requests to provide guidance beyond incident support needs. Typical Advisory Services cases focus on recommendations or best practices that are used to resolve how-to scenarios that take advantage of Microsoft products and technologies. These can include guidance for migration, deployment, development, optimization, design and implementation, solutions, scenarios, and architecture. 

Advisory Services may also include performance tuning and data fixing for scenarios that are not identified by Microsoft as a product issue. 

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Article Info
Article ID : 2827980
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 1/21/2014
Exists online : False
Views : 199