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Description of the Outlook 2013 hotfix package (Outlook-x-none.msp): August 13, 2013

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This hotfix release is no longer available because of an issue that affects the package installation.

To download the correct Outlook 2013 hotfix package, click the following article number to go to the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:

2817347 Description of the Outlook 2013 hotfix package (Outlook-x-none.msp; Outlookintl-en-us.msp): August 13, 2013

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This article describes the issues that are fixed in the Microsoft Outlook 2013 hotfix package that is dated August 13, 2013.

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Issues that this hotfix package fixes

  • The conversation ID of an item is different in Outlook 2013 and Outlook Web App.
  • Assume that there is a user whose job title includes the "On Behalf Of" text. You receive an email message that is sent by a user on behalf of another user in Outlook 2013. When you forward this email message and wait several seconds, the "On Behalf Of" text in the From field of the sent email message resolves as the user who has the "On Behalf Of" text in their job title..
  • Consider the following scenario:
    • A domain account and a Microsoft Office 365 account have the same user principal name (UPN).
    • The passwords for the two accounts are different, and Active Directory Federation Services is not used in the domain.
    • You sign in to the Office 365 mailbox by using the Office 365 account.
    • You create a meeting request, and then you invite an attendee that is not migrated to the Office 365 account.
    In this situation, the free/busy information displays no information.
  • When you open a saved meeting item or appointment item again in Outlook 2013, you cannot change the sensitivity of the item.
  • When you change the post form type for a shared folder that is cached in Outlook 2013, the change is not saved.
  • Assume that you select the Update tracking information, and then delete responses that don't contain comments check box in Outlook 2013. When you receive a response to a meeting request that makes no change to the meeting and contains no additional text, the blank item is not deleted after it is tracked.
  • When you add a delegate for an account in Outlook 2013, you receive the following error message:
    The Delegates settings were not saved correctly. Unable to activate send-on-behalf-of list. You do not have sufficient permission to perform this operation on this object.
  • When you use Outlook 2013 and have Microsoft Dynamics CRM installed, Outlook 2013 crashes.
  • When you open a shared calendar in Outlook 2013, you cannot see items that have a "free" status even if you have the access to see the free/busy items.
  • When you create a meeting request in Outlook 2013, you can only receive room suggestions for the first 12 working hours from the working start time. For example, if you set the working start time to 00:00, when you create a meeting request for 12:30, you cannot receive room suggestions.
  • When you have an additional calendar on a profile in Outlook 2013, the mailbox address on the calendar label is light gray and difficult to read.
  • When you register a provider in MAPISVC.INF, the full path of the provider DLL cannot contain periods.
  • When you sync Outlook 2013 with Microsoft SharePoint 2013 in Microsoft Office 365, the task list is displayed as changed.
  • When you disable and then re-enable a rule that applies a retention policy on received items in Outlook 2013, the retention date of affected items is set incorrectly.
  • When you open a sent item two times in Outlook 2013, you cannot see the tracking information about the item.
  • When you send an email message that has a retention policy applied in Outlook 2013, the sent email message displays an incorrect retention date.
  • When you make an Exchange Web Services (EWS) request that contains Unicode characters or fetches Unicode characters through an Outlook Mail App in Outlook 2013, you receive the following error message:
    Invalid character in the given encoding.
  • When you open a meeting request in Outlook 2013, the organizer of the meeting request is displayed as a legacy distinguished name instead of an email message if the meeting request is created by an account that is hidden or missing in the offline address book.
  • Assume that you change the OutlookSecureTempFolder string value to change the temporary file path for Outlook 2013. When you restart Outlook 2013 and then open an attachment from an email message, the temporary file is saved in the Temporary Internet Files folder.
  • When you schedule a meeting in Outlook 2013, the attendees' free/busy information on the Scheduling Assistant tab is unavailable.
  • Assume that you configure an email profile in online mode in Outlook 2013. When you restart Outlook 2013, the created search folders of the email profile are removed.
  • When you disable the Reply All button in Outlook 2013, the Reply All button is not disabled in the preview pane.
  • When you send a sharing email message to share the calendar in Outlook 2013, you receive the following error message:
    Error while preparing to send sharing message.
  • When you run the Send as Attachment function in Excel 2013 to send a spreadsheet as an attachment by using Outlook 2013, Excel 2013 crashes.
  • When you create a new profile or run the Test E-mail AutoConfiguration task in Outlook 2013, you receive a certificate warning.
  • When you turn off photos of email message senders and recipients in an Outlook 2013 installation that has an Outlook Mail App installed, the white space between the ribbon and the email message header increases on the reading pane.
  • Assume that you enable the Schedule View function for a shared calendar that contains many categorized items in Outlook 2013. When you scroll horizontally to see the appointments in the shared calendar, the appointments take longer than expected to appear.
  • When you enable the feature to see the online archive of the manager in Outlook 2010, two online archives that have the same name are displayed.

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More Information

Starting with the August 13, 2013 hotfix package for Microsoft Outlook 2013, Office 365 customers will notice that Outlook uses the following URL:

Outlook uses this URL to communicate connection status and health for the Microsoft Office 365 service.

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For more information about software update terminology, click the following article number to go to the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
824684 Description of the standard terminology that is used to describe Microsoft software updates

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Keywords: kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 2817503
Revision : 2
Created on : 3/30/2017
Published on : 3/30/2017
Exists online : False
Views : 328