While you are attempting to run the Exchange 2000 Server
setup /forestprep command to join an existing Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 site, you may receive the following error message:
Setup has determined the display name of the Organization or one of the Exchange Sites in your Organization is greater than 64 characters or contains at least one of the following invalid characters: ~�!@#$%^*()_+= etc... To correct this, you must use the Exchange 5.X Administration tool to change the display name of either the organization and/or the affected Sites and then re-run setup.
The following entries might appear in the "Exchange Server Setup Progress" log:
[15:53:03] Unable to find object
/o=OrgName/ou= SiteName/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=ServerName/cn=Protocols/cn=LDAP.
[15:53:03] CDapi::ScReadAttributes(K:\admin\src\libs\exsetup\dapiaccess.cxx:313)
Error code 0XC103FC93 (64659): Unable to find object/o=OrgName/ou= SiteName/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=ServerName/cn=Protocols/cn=LDAP.
Error code 0XC103FC93 (64659): Unable to find object /o=OrgName/ou= SiteName/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=ServerName/cn=Protocols/cn=LDAP.
[15:53:03] Leaving ::ScFindLDAPPortNumberUsingDAPI
The operation has completed successfully.
[15:54:13] Entering ::ScFindLDAPPortNumberUsingDAPI
[15:54:13] Entering CDapi::ScInitialize
[15:54:13] Leaving CDapi::ScInitialize
[15:54:13] Entering CDapi::ScBind
[15:54:13] Entering CDapi::ScGetSiteInfo
[15:54:13] Leaving CDapi::ScGetSiteInfo
[15:54:16] Leaving CDapi::ScBind
[15:54:16] Entering CDapi::ScReadAttributes
[15:54:16] Leaving CDapi::ScReadAttributes
[15:54:16] Entering CDapi::ScReadAttributes
[15:54:16] Leaving CDapi::ScReadAttributes
[15:54:16] Leaving ::ScFindLDAPPortNumberUsingDAPI
[15:54:39] Attempting to detect the 55 Org and Site names from the 5 server
[15:54:39] Entering ::ScGet55SiteAndOrg
[15:54:39] Leaving ::ScGet55SiteAndOrg
[15:54:39] Using cached result to decide if the 55 server has SP3 installed
[15:54:39] Using cached result to decide if Setup has perms on the 55 Org, Site, and Config containers
[15:54:39] Attempting to read the 55 Org and Site names from 55 DS on server (ServerName)
[15:54:39] Entering ::ScGet55SiteAndOrg
[15:54:39] Leaving ::ScGet55SiteAndOrg
[15:54:39] Reading all the sites from the 5.5 directory (DN=/o=OrgName)
[15:54:39] Site contains invalid characters - this will need to be renamed to continue