If the Host Integration Server (HIS) 2000 End-User Client is removed from a computer that is running Microsoft Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows 98 by clicking the
Add/Remove Programs icon in Control Panel, the following files are left in the %WINDIR%\System folder:
� | Winsli.dll |
� | Winsli32.dll |
� | Luastr32.dll |
� | Winrui.dll |
� | Winrui32.dll |
� | Csvstr32.dll |
� | Wincsv.dll |
� | Wincsv32.dll |
� | Wcpic32.dll |
� | Wincpic.dll |
� | Appcst32.dll |
� | Wappc32.dll |
� | Winapcc.dll |
� | Winmgt32.dll |
� | Snadump.dll |
� | Snareg.dll |
� | Snatrcsn.dll |
� | Dmodappc.dll |
� | Snatrc.dll |
� | Snadmod.dll |
� | Snakrnl.dll |
� | Snaclm.dll |
� | Snacnw.dll |
� | Snacbv.dll |
� | Snacip.dll |
� | fmistr32.dll |
� | Vstapi.dll |
� | Snancp.dll |
� | Bvnsst.dll |
� | Ibbcast.dll |
� | Lmbcast.dll |
� | Snasap32.dll |
� | Snands32.dll |
� | Adloc.dll |
� | Snanls.dll |
� | *.nls |
This problem does not occur if the HIS 2000 End-User Client is installed on a computer that is running Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional or Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Workstation, because these files are not installed in the %WINDIR%\System folder.