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XGEN: Exchange Tools for Migration

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Microsoft provides three tools to facilitate migration to and from Exchange Server version 5.5 and Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server: the Move Server Wizard, Exmerge, and the Exchange Migration Wizard (for Messaging Application Programming Interface [MAPI] migration). This article describes different considerations for each of these tools.

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Goals and Design

       Move Server Wizard          |              Exmerge            |      Exchange Migration Wizard
A wizard tool to reconfigure a     | A tool to perform bulk export   | A tool that uses a one-step process
single server so that the server   | and import of mailboxes from    | to export or import mailboxes from
belongs to a new Exchange Server   | Exchange Server that uses       | an Exchange Server 5.5 computer to
site or organization. Enables you  | personal folder (.pst) files    | an Exchange 2000 server. This tool
to move servers between sites and  | as a temporary file format      | provides a simple migration path
organizations.                     | between operations. You can use | from Exchange Server 5.5 to a 
                                   | this flexible tool in many      | different Exchange 2000 organization
                                   | mailbox scenarios, including    | or system.
                                   | server recovery and mailbox     |
                                   | moves.                          |


       Move Server Wizard          |              Exmerge            |      Exchange Migration Wizard
Exchange Server 5.5                | Exchange Server 5.5 and         | Exchange Server 5.5
                                   | Exchange 2000                   |


       Move Server Wizard          |              Exmerge            |      Exchange Migration Wizard
An Exchange Server 5.5 site        | Exchange Server 5.5 and         | Exchange 2000 in a separate
                                   | Exchange 2000                   | organization or system

When to Consider Using

       Move Server Wizard          |              Exmerge            |      Exchange Migration Wizard
- To move an entire server between | - To move multiple mailboxes,   | - To migrate an Exchange
  sites or organizations.          |   but not an entire server,     |   Server 5.5 system to a new
                                   |   between sites or              |   and separate Exchange 2000
- To move a large number of        |   organizations.                |   system without upgrading
  mailboxes between sites or       |                                 |   the existing Exchange
  organizations.                   | - To move a small number of     |   Server 5.5 system.
                                   |   mailboxes.                    |
- For a merger of large sites or   |                                 | - To preserve mailbox directory
  organizations.                   | - To move mailboxes to new      |   information during migration.
                                   |   hardware while you move       |
                                   |   between sites or              | - To move to new hardware while
                                   |   organizations.                |   you move between organizations.
                                   |                                 |
                                   | - For disaster recovery,        | - To move to Exchange 2000 from
                                   |   mailbox recovery, or when     |   Exchange Server 5.5.
                                   |   the mailbox store is damaged, |
                                   |   as long as the Information    |
                                   |   Store service starts.         |

When to Consider Using Other Tools

       Move Server Wizard          |              Exmerge            |      Exchange Migration Wizard
- To move a small number of        | - To move a large number of     | - To move between sites in the
  mailboxes.                       |   mailboxes or large            |   same organization.
                                   |   organizations.                |
- When you do not need to move     |                                 | - When you want to simply upgrade
  all of the mailboxes on a single | - When you also need to move    |   from Exchange Server 5.5 to 
  server between sites or          |   directory information.        |   Exchange 2000 (use upgrade
  organizations.                   |                                 |   tools).

Key Features

       Move Server Wizard          |              Exmerge            |      Exchange Migration Wizard
- All operations are performed on  | - Flexible: performs both an    | - Provides a one-step method to
  the same hardware; mailboxes are |   export and an import by using |   export or import data from an
  not moved to a new server.       |   .pst files.                   |   Exchange Server 5.5 computer
                                   |                                 |   to an Exchange 2000 server.
- Moves directory information that | - The export process and import |
  is associated with the mailbox.  |   process can be performed      | - Migrated mailbox directory
                                   |   separately, which also allows |   information from Exchange
- Moves distribution lists (DLs)   |   for more flexibility.         |   Server 5.5 to Active Directory.
  and contacts from the same site. |                                 |
                                   | - Binds to the source server    | - Populates Active Directory with
- Removes moved objects from the   |   and provides a list of all    |   active accounts and mailbox
  source directory after the move. |   the users on the server that  |   information as needed.
                                   |   is easy to select from (for   |
- Preserves reply-to capability    |   easy migration).              | - Reply-to ability is maintained
  after the move.                  |                                 |   with the addition of the X.500
                                   | - Can be used on a damaged      |   distinguished name.
                                   |   information store, as long    |
                                   |   as the Information Store      |
                                   |   service starts.               |


       Move Server Wizard          |              Exmerge            |      Exchange Migration Wizard
- Client reconfiguration necessary | - Does not migrate mailbox      | - Currently only supports
  after move.                      |   directories.                  |   Exchange Server 5.5 to Exchange
                                   |                                 |   2000 migrations.
- Does not preserve public         | - A mailbox (and Windows NT or  |
  folders.                         |   Windows 2000 account) must    | - Does not clean up accounts on
                                   |   exist on the target system    |   the Exchange Server 5.5 system
- Does not preserve access control |   before the import.            |   after migration. You must do
  to mailboxes or public folders.  |                                 |   this manually.
                                   | - Does not preserve reply-to    |
                                   |   capability unless you         | - Moves mailbox-based contacts  
                                   |   manually add an X.500         |   with the mailbox,  but does not  
                                   |   distinguished name to the     |   migrate or move Active Directory-based 
                                   |   mailbox.                      |   contacts (custom recipients). It does
                                   |                                 |   not migrate distribution lists.
                                   |                                 |   
                                   |                                 |  - As with the Move Server Wizard,
                                   |                                 |   client reconfiguration is
                                   | - As with the Move Server       |   necessary. Does not preserve
                                   |   Wizard, client reconfigu-     |   access control or public folders.               
                                   |   ration is necessary when      | 
                                   |   moving between sites or       |
                                   |   organizations. Does not       |
                                   |   preserve access control or    |  
                                   |   public folders.               |


       Move Server Wizard          |              Exmerge            |      Exchange Migration Wizard
It is important to note that       | Exmerge is a key tool that      | Is available with Exchange 2000, Service 
although the Move Server Wizard    | Product Support Services (PSS)  | Pack 1 (SP1) and later releases. Exchange 
makes moves possible, consid-      | created to make extracting and  | Migration Wizard is designed to be used only 
erable work is still required.     | importing bulk mailboxes from   | between two separate Exchange organizations. 
                                   | a server easier. Exmerge has    | The exception to this rule is with the SP2 
                                   | many uses beyond providing      | version, when the 2-step PST option is 
                                   | flexibility when moving between | chosen. For more information, see
                                   | organizations, as described     | 
                                   | here. PSS updated this tool for | Q307706 XCON: Exchange 2000 Server Service Pack 2
                                   | Exchange 2000, and this tool is | Migration Enhancements
                                   | included on the Exchange 2000   | 
                                   | CD.                             |
Is available with Exchange 2000 SP1 and later releases. The Exchange Migration Wizard is designed to be used only between 2 separate Exchange organizations. The exception to this rule would be with the SP2 version, when the 2-step PST option is chosen. See Q307706 XCON: Exchange 2000 Server Service Pack 2 Migration Enhancements for more information

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Keywords: KB281584, kbinfo

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Article Info
Article ID : 281584
Revision : 8
Created on : 2/27/2007
Published on : 2/27/2007
Exists online : False
Views : 477