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[SDP3][95132aac-037a-43c1-be04-3007f809dbfe] Rights Management Services Troubleshooter

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This diagnostic package will gather RMS diagnostic content for Client, RMS Server, Exchange Server, and SharePoint Server

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More Information

Information Collected

DRM File Collection
DescriptionFile name
Copies all DRM files from user appdata and compresses them in a cab file


Exchange IRM Configuration
DescriptionFile name
Retrieves Exchange IRM configuration data and tests using logged in credentials. Outputs results to txt file


General Information
DescriptionFile name
Basic System Information including machine name, service pack, computer model and processor name and speed


Installed Programs
DescriptionFile name
Uses WMI to enumerate all installed programs and output in txt format


Netsh Network Trace
DescriptionFile name
Uses netsh command to capture Network Trace and output in native etl format


Uses netsh command to create network settings report and output in cab format


Procmon Trace
DescriptionFile name
Uses Sysinternals Procmon to gather trace in native pml format


RMS Best Practices Analyzer
DescriptionFile name
Gathers Best Practices Analyzer results and outputs in csv format


RMS Debug Trace
DescriptionFile name
Uses Sysinternals DebugView to capture RMS Debug Trace and output in txt format


RMS File Versions
DescriptionFile name
Uses powershell to capture file version information for msdrm.dll, msipc.dll, and mso.dll and output in txt format


RMS Information
DescriptionFile name
Outputs the content of the certification pipeline in html format


Outputs the content of the Licensing pipeline in html format


Outputs the content of the Service Locator pipeline in html format


Uses getRMSCP.exe to export SCP information and captures web responses to queries on Certification and Licensing pipelines in txt format


RMS Registry Keys
DescriptionFile name
If present, captures contents of HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\MSDRM


If present, captures contents of HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\MSIPC


If present, captures contents of HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office


If present, captures contents of HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings


If present, captures contents of HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\MSDRM


If present, captures contents of HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\MSIPC


If present, captures contents of HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\MSDRM


If present, captures contents of HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\MSIPC


If present, captures contents of HKCU:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office


RMS Server IIS Logs
DescriptionFile name
Copies all RMS IIS logs for the last 48 hours


RMS Server Virtual Directory Permissions
DescriptionFile name
Uses Sysinternals Accesschk to gather permissions on _wmcs directory and all folders and files recursively and outputs to a txt file


Scheduled Tasks
DescriptionFile name
Uses native schtasks.exe utility to export all scheduled tasks and output in txt format


Server DRM File Collection
DescriptionFile name
Copies all Server DRM files from appdata and compresses them in a cab file


Server RMS Registry Keys
DescriptionFile name
Gathers the server DRMS registry key and outputs as a txt file


Gathers the server LSA registry key and outputs as a txt file


Retrieves the connection string from the DRMS registry key and outputs it in csv format


Server RMS SQL Configuration Data
DescriptionFile name
Exports the contents of the DRMS_ClusterPolicies table to csv


Exports the contents of the DRMS_ClusterServer table to csv


Exports the contents of the DRMS_TrustedEmailDomains table to csv


Exports the contents of the DRMS_TrustedIdentityDomain table to csv


Exports the RMS SQL Server version and outputs to a txt file


SharePoint IRM Configuration
DescriptionFile name
Retrieves SharePoint Farm IRM configuration and application pool properties and outputs to a txt file


User Information
DescriptionFile name
Captures environment variables and adsisearcher to output user information in csv format


WinInet Trace
DescriptionFile name
Captures WinInet trace in converted txt format


Uses logman to capture WinInet trace in native etl format



For more information about the Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services and about the Support Diagnostics Platform, please open the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article:

2598970 Information about Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services and Support Diagnostic Platform

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Keywords: kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 2815412
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 2/11/2013
Exists online : False
Views : 520