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A 404 error occurs when attempting to access a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 organization after applying Update Rollup 12

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After applying Update Rollup 12 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 On Premise, users can no longer access an organization due to a 404 error. If platform tracing is enabled when the issue reproduces, the following error appears:

Microsoft.Crm.CrmException: An item with the same key has already been added. ---> System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at Microsoft.Crm.Metadata.PreloadedOptionSetMetadataDataProvider.LoadNormalOptions(IPreloadedMetadataInitializationContext context, Boolean initializeEnumOptionProvider)
at Microsoft.Crm.Metadata.PreloadedMetadataCacheDataProvider.InitializeOptionSets(IPreloadedMetadataInitializationContext context, LoadMasks masks, IOrganizationContext organizationContext)

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This is a known issue that will be addressed in a future update.

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To workaround the issue, it is necessary to run a SQL script against the organization database that is failed to update. While direct modifications to the database are typically unsupported, the use of the following SQL script has been officially approved by Microsoft Dynamics CRM Support.
  1. Create a Full database backup of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Organization experiencing the issue.
  2. In SQL Management Studio, click New Query
  3. In the Available Databases drop down menu, select the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Organization experiencing the issue.
  4. Copy and paste the below statement into the New Query window, and click Execute (F5):

declare @IncidentOptionSetId uniqueidentifier = '7779161B-0E32-4001-8D44-339C2D1FF1F0'
declare @IncidentSystemPicklistIdFor1000 uniqueidentifier = 'DE3D1468-D2F4-4BC6-8BF6-73C5C64C435D'
declare @IncidentPicklistValueFor1000 int = 1000

declare @CategoryOptionSetId uniqueidentifier = '3041D03C-4166-4814-A2D4-1E3D93CAF2F1'
declare @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1000 uniqueidentifier = 'ECBEE2BC-BAD2-4723-8612-371B4CE8D9E5'
declare @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1001 uniqueidentifier = 'DE121D28-F5DF-45F7-B6FC-E97B1604F747'
declare @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1002 uniqueidentifier = '8612EA04-81CF-423B-ADF4-EF74EEA70A41'
declare @CategoryPicklistValueFor1000 int = 1000
declare @CategoryPicklistValueFor1001 int = 1001
declare @CategoryPicklistValueFor1002 int = 1002
declare @CategoryPicklistValueFor6 int = 6
declare @CategoryPicklistValueFor7 int = 7
declare @CategoryPicklistValueFor8 int = 8

declare @SystemSolutionId uniqueidentifier = 'FD140AAD-4DF4-11DD-BD17-0019B9312238'
declare @AttributePicklistValueLabelTypeCode int = 2
declare @AttributePicklistValueSolutionComponentType int = 4
declare @DeleteComponentState int = 2

declare @PicklistIdMapping table
OldId uniqueidentifier,
NewId uniqueidentifier

delete @PicklistIdMapping
insert into @PicklistIdMapping (OldId, NewId)
 select AttributePicklistValueId, NULL
 from MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue
  Value = @CategoryPicklistValueFor6 and AttributePicklistValueId = @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1000
  or Value = @CategoryPicklistValueFor7 and AttributePicklistValueId = @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1001
  or Value = @CategoryPicklistValueFor8 and AttributePicklistValueId = @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1002
  -- do not include incident status picklist in here
 group by AttributePicklistValueId
 having COUNT(*) = 1

delete MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel
 MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel l
 inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on l.ObjectId = m.OldId
 where l.LabelTypeCode = @AttributePicklistValueLabelTypeCode

delete DependencyBase where DependentComponentNodeId in
 select DependencyNodeId
  DependencyNodeBase d
  inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on d.ObjectId = m.OldId
  where d.ComponentType = @AttributePicklistValueSolutionComponentType

delete DependencyNodeBase
 DependencyNodeBase d
 inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on d.ObjectId = m.OldId
 where d.ComponentType = @AttributePicklistValueSolutionComponentType

delete MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue
 MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue a
 inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on a.AttributePicklistValueId = m.OldId


delete @PicklistIdMapping
insert into @PicklistIdMapping (OldId, NewId)
 select AttributePicklistValueId, NEWID()
 from MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue
  Value = @CategoryPicklistValueFor6 and AttributePicklistValueId = @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1000
  or Value = @CategoryPicklistValueFor7 and AttributePicklistValueId = @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1001
  or Value = @CategoryPicklistValueFor8 and AttributePicklistValueId = @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1002
  -- do not include incident status picklist in here
 group by AttributePicklistValueId
 having COUNT(*) > 1

update MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel
set ComponentState = @DeleteComponentState
 MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel l
 inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on l.ObjectId = m.OldId
 where l.SolutionId = @SystemSolutionId and l.LabelTypeCode = @AttributePicklistValueLabelTypeCode

update MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue
set ComponentState = @DeleteComponentState
 MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue a
 inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on a.AttributePicklistValueId = m.OldId
 where a.SolutionId = @SystemSolutionId

update MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel
set ObjectId = m.NewId
 MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel l
 inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on l.ObjectId = m.OldId
 where l.LabelTypeCode = @AttributePicklistValueLabelTypeCode

update DependencyNodeBase
set ObjectId = m.NewId
 DependencyNodeBase d
 inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on d.ObjectId = m.OldId
 where d.ComponentType = @AttributePicklistValueSolutionComponentType

update MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue
set AttributePicklistValueId = m.NewId
 MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue a
 inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on a.AttributePicklistValueId = m.OldId

delete @PicklistIdMapping
insert into @PicklistIdMapping (OldId, NewId)
 select AttributePicklistValueId OldId,
  CASE Value
   WHEN @CategoryPicklistValueFor1000 THEN @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1000
   WHEN @CategoryPicklistValueFor1001 THEN @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1001
   WHEN @CategoryPicklistValueFor1002 THEN @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1002
  END NewId
 from AttributePicklistValueView
 where OptionSetId = @CategoryOptionSetId and Value in (@CategoryPicklistValueFor1000, @CategoryPicklistValueFor1001, @CategoryPicklistValueFor1002)

delete from @PicklistIdMapping where OldId in (@CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1000, @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1001, @CategorySystemPicklistIdFor1002)

insert into @PicklistIdMapping (OldId, NewId)
 select AttributePicklistValueId OldId, @IncidentSystemPicklistIdFor1000 NewId
 from AttributePicklistValueView
 where OptionSetId = @IncidentOptionSetId and Value = @IncidentPicklistValueFor1000
delete from @PicklistIdMapping where OldId = @IncidentSystemPicklistIdFor1000

update MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel
set ObjectId = m.NewId 
 MetadataSchema.LocalizedLabel l
 inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on l.ObjectId = m.OldId
 where l.LabelTypeCode = @AttributePicklistValueLabelTypeCode

update DependencyNodeBase
set ObjectId = m.NewId
 DependencyNodeBase d
 inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on d.ObjectId = m.OldId
 where d.ComponentType = @AttributePicklistValueSolutionComponentType

update MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue
set AttributePicklistValueId = m.NewId
 MetadataSchema.AttributePicklistValue a
 inner join @PicklistIdMapping m on a.AttributePicklistValueId = m.OldId

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Keywords: kbmbspartner, kbmbsmigrate, kbsurveynew, kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 2808349
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 2/15/2013
Exists online : False
Views : 189