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How To Restore Icons That Have Been Removed from the Desktop in Windows XP

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This article describes how to restore the My Computer, My Documents, and My Network Places icons after they have been removed from the desktop.

Restore Icons to the Desktop

In Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition and Professional, the new Start menu is enabled by default. When the new Start menu is enabled, the My Computer, My Documents, and My Network Places icons are removed from the desktop. To restore these icons, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the desktop and click Properties.
  2. Click the Desktop tab.
  3. Click Customize desktop.
  4. Click the General tab, and then click the icons that you want to place on the desktop.
  5. Click OK.

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Keywords: kb, kbui, kbhowtomaster, kbhowto, htwinxpprosearch, htdesktopmanagement, htadmin, kbpubtypepublic, kbcsapac

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Article Info
Article ID : 279769
Revision : 10
Created on : 8/19/2020
Published on : 8/20/2020
Exists online : False
Views : 286