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Google Chrome becomes unresponsive when logging into Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online

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The Google Chrome browser becomes unresponsive when logging into Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. The left navigation area may render, but the remaining page elements appear blank. 

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This issue is caused by Google Chrome's pop-up blocker functionality, which prevents page elements from being loaded if a pop-up message is suppressed. A common scenario where this may occur is when a user may have pending e-mail messages in the system, which normally produces a pop-up message when users log into Microsoft Dynamics CRM. 

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Add the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online website to the pop-up exceptions.

Note: These instructions are provided for Google Chrome version 23.0.1272.97.

  1. Click Settings
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Show advanced settings..."
  3. Under Privacy, click Content settings...
  4. Under Pop-ups, click Manage exceptions...
  5. Add the Microsoft Dynamics CRM website and set the Behavior to Allow.
  6. Click Ok
  7. Close Settings

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Keywords: kbmbspartner, kbmbsmigrate, kbsurveynew, kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 2796615
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 1/3/2013
Exists online : False
Views : 168