SalesLine.GET("Document Type","Document No.","Document Line No.");
// Delete the following lines.
TrackingSpecification."Qty. to Invoice (Base)" := SalesLine."Qty. to Invoice (Base)" * "Quantity per (Base)";
TrackingSpecification."Qty. to Invoice" := SalesLine."Qty. to Invoice (Base)" * "Quantity per" ;
TrackingSpecification."Quantity Invoiced (Base)" := SalesLine."Qty. Invoiced (Base)" * "Quantity per (Base)";
TrackingSpecification."Qty. to Handle (Base)" := SalesLine."Qty. to Ship (Base)" * "Quantity per (Base)";;
TrackingSpecification."Qty. to Handle" := SalesLine."Qty. to Ship (Base)" * "Quantity per";;
TrackingSpecification."Quantity Handled (Base)" := SalesLine."Qty. Shipped (Base)" * "Quantity per (Base)";;
// End of the lines.
SalesLine.GET("Document Type","Document No.","Document Line No.");
// Add the following lines.
TrackingSpecification."Qty. to Invoice (Base)" := ROUND(SalesLine."Qty. to Invoice (Base)" * "Quantity per (Base)",0.00001);
TrackingSpecification."Qty. to Invoice" := ROUND(SalesLine."Qty. to Invoice (Base)" * "Quantity per",0.00001);
TrackingSpecification."Quantity Invoiced (Base)" := ROUND(SalesLine."Qty. Invoiced (Base)" * "Quantity per (Base)",0.00001);
TrackingSpecification."Qty. to Handle (Base)" := ROUND(SalesLine."Qty. to Ship (Base)" * "Quantity per (Base)",0.00001);
TrackingSpecification."Qty. to Handle" := ROUND(SalesLine."Qty. to Ship (Base)" * "Quantity per",0.00001);
TrackingSpecification."Quantity Handled (Base)" := ROUND(SalesLine."Qty. Shipped (Base)" * "Quantity per (Base)",0.00001);
// End of the lines.