This article describes how to generate an Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server monthly report.
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When you configure ISA Report Jobs under the Monitoring Configuration node in the management tool, you can specify that you want a report generated monthly. However, when you select the Generate once a month option on the Schedule tab, the spinner only allows you to set specific dates, for example, 1, 2, 3, and so on.
If the user selects 31, the report runs only if there are 31 days in the month. This behavior is the same as the behavior in Task Scheduler.
Because the reports are always generated for only the previous days, the report that is set to run on the first of each month contains the information from one of the previous months until the end of the previous month.
Note that reports are created 30 minutes past midnight on a given day by using the data from the previous month.
NOTE: The default logs in ISA show time in Greenwich mean time and not in local time.
To create reports that include all of the activity in the last month, set the report to run on the first day of every month.
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