' StrFolderName: The folder path that you want to publish as the virtual directory. Use the following format: "<TreeName>\<SubFolderName>"
' strComputerName: The computer name of your Exchange 2000 server where you set up this virtual directory.
Function CreateWeb(strFolderName as String, strComputerName as String)as Boolean
Dim iServer As New CDOEXM.ExchangeServer
Dim strFHName As String
Dim NewWeb As IADsContainer
Dim ADCont As IADsContainer
Set iServer = CreateObject("CDOEXM.ExchangeServer")
Result = True
iServer.DataSource.Open strComputerName
Set ADCont = GetObject("LDAP://" & iServer.DirectoryServer & "/CN=1,CN=HTTP,CN=Protocols,"_
& Mid(iServer.DataSource.SourceURL, InStr(1, iServer.DataSource.SourceURL, "cn=")))
Set NewWeb = ADCont.Create("msExchProtocolCfgHTTPVirtualDirectory", "cn=" & strFolderName)
NewWeb.Put "hTTPPubGAL", CBool(0)
NewWeb.Put "anonymousAccount", "IUSR_" & strComputerName
NewWeb.Put "folderPathname", CStr(strFolderName)
' "msExchAccessFlags" property: contains the virtual directory execute permission:
'512 = Execute Permission=Script
'516 = Execute Permission=Script&Execute
'1=Read, 2=Write, 16=Script Access
NewWeb.Put "msExchAccessFlags", CInt(535)
' "msExchAuthenticationFlags" property: contains the virtual directory authentication settings:
'1=Anonymous Access, 2=Basic, 4=NTLM
NewWeb.Put "msExchAuthenticationFlags", CInt(7)
NewWeb.Put "msExchBasicAuthenticationDomain", CStr(strDomainName)
NewWeb.Put "msExchDefaultLogonDomain", CStr(strDomainName)
' "msExchDirBrowseFlags" property: controls the Web directory browse permission of the virtual directory:
'1073741854=No Dir Browse, -1073741794=Dir Browse
NewWeb.Put "msExchDirBrowseFlags", -1073741794
'The property specifies the logon method for clear text logons
NewWeb.Put "msExchLogonMethod", CInt(3)
NewWeb.Put "msExchServerAutoStart", CBool(-1)
' "msExchServerRole" property: This virtual directory resides on the front end or back end server:
' 1 = This is a front end server
' 0 = This is a back end server
NewWeb.Put "msExchServerRole", CInt(0)
NewWeb.Put "name", CStr(strFolderName)
'newweb.Put "showInAdvancedViewOnly", cbool(-1)
On Error Resume Next
If Err <> 0 Then
' If user exists no need to raise an err
If Err.Number <> &H80071392 Then
MsgBox CStr(Err.Number) + ") " + Err.Description, , Err.Source
Result = False
End If
End If
Set NewWeb = Nothing
Set ADCont = Nothing
Set iServer = Nothing
CreateWeb = Result
End Function