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[SDP 3][13e2903d-be79-4d6d-a928-d90580283cc8] Dynamics CRM Client for Outlook Configuration Collector

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The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Client for Microsoft Office Outlook Configuration diagnostic tool collects information related to configuration issues with the Microsoft CRM Client. This article describes the data that is collected by the diagnostic tool.

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More Information

This article describes the information that may be collected from a machine when running the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Client for Outlook Configuration diagnostic tool.


·          This collector creates a report file prefaced with the ComputerName on which the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool is run. 

Information Collected

Operating System Information
DescriptionFile Name
Operating System Version InformationComputerName_DateRan.htm

Installed Applications
DescriptionFile Name
Lists the applications that are installed on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Client For Outlook computer.ComputerName_DateRan.htm

Internet Explorer and Office Version Information
DescriptionFile Name
Lists the versions of Internet Explorer and Microsoft OfficeComputerName_DateRan.htm
Microsoft Outlook Add-in information
DescriptionFile Name
Lists the add-ins that are installed for use with Microsoft Outlook


Internet Explorer trusted sites and proxy settings
DescriptionFile Name
The file lists registry keys and values that are stored under the HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains registry hive. Additionally, this file also lists the registry keys and values under the HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings hive.


Microsoft Dynamics CRM registry values
DescriptionFile Name
Lists registry keys and values that are stored that are under HKEY_LocalMachine\Software\Microsoft\MSCRMClient registry hive.ComputerName_DateRan.htm

Microsoft Dynamics CRM user registry values
DescriptionFile Name
Lists registry keys and values that are stored under HKEY_CurrentUser\Software\Microsoft\MSCRMClient registry hive.ComputerName_DateRan.htm

Internet Explorer Security Zone Settings
DescriptionFile Name
Lists values that are stored under HKEY_CurrentUser\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones registry hive.ComputerName_DateRan.htm

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Client configuration error log
DescriptionFile Name
Lists the errors found in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM configuration log file.ComputerName_DateRan.htm

Installed Microsoft CRM Hotfixes
DescriptionFile Name
Lists all applied Microsoft Dynamics CRM hotfixes.ComputerName_DateRan.htm

Microsoft Dynamics CRM files
DescriptionFile Name
Lists all files from the InstallPath registry key value, including dates and file versions.ComputerName_DateRan.htm

Microsoft Dynamics CRM files that installed in assembly cache
DescriptionFile Name
Lists all Microsoft Dynamics CRM files that are installed in the global assembly cache on the CRM server.ComputerName_DateRan.htm

TCP/IP Configuration
DescriptionFile Name
Lists TCP/IP registry keys and their values.ComputerName_DateRan.htm

Application logs
DescriptionFile Name
Event log – Application – all Microsoft Dynamics CRM events in the last seven days

Event log – Application – all ASP.NET events in the last seven days

Installed .NET Information
DescriptionFile Name
Lists all .NET Framework versions that are installed on the client computer.ComputerName_DateRan.htm

Group Policy
DescriptionFile Name
Lists information about the applied Group Policy settings by using the gpresult utility.ComputerName_DateRan.htm

Mail profile information
DescriptionFile Name
Lists the keys and values under the HKCU: Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles registry hive.ComputerName_DateRan.htm

Note The setup and client configuration log files from the %APPDATA%\Microsoft\MSCRM\Logs file directory are also collected by this diagnostic tool.

Additional Information

This collector has a notifications area at the top of the diagnostic report detailing items that may be important to make note of.  These are items that aren’t at the root cause of an issue but are worth noting as they may affect the performance or usability of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.  For this reason, they are called out at the top of the report to give them visibility. 

1.     Checks to see if configuring user is a local Administrator on the machine.

2.     Verification that the time on the client computer is within five minutes of the time of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server.

3.     Notification that errors exist in the CRM Client configuration log file.

4.     Verification that the Windows Live Sign-in Assistant service is running.

5.     Verification that the Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant is running.

6.     Determination that the Mapisvc.inf file exists on the client workstation.

7.     Check to determine whether client can successfully access the URL’s for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online if needed.

8.     Checks to see if the Microsoft Dynamics CRM website has been added to the Trusted Sites Zone in Internet Explorer.

9.     Check for the presence of stored credentials on the client computer.


KB 973559 - Frequently asked questions about the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) for Windows 7

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Keywords: kbmbspartner, kbmbsmigrate, kbsurveynew, kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 2764449
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 10/17/2012
Exists online : False
Views : 217