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[SDP 3][c2b1b42a-e9f8-48a4-9053-a2ca9e21608d] Microsoft Dynamics CRM Claims and IFD Collector

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The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Claims and IFD Collector was designed to collect information to be used to troubleshoot issues related to setup and configuration of Claims and Internet Facing Deployment for Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

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More Information

This article offers an overview of the information that may be collected by the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Claims and IFD Collector.


·          This collector is run on the server hosting the Active Directory Federation Service 2.0 service

·          This collector creates two report files.  Both files are prefaced with the ComputerName on which the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool is run. 

·          In the event that the ADFS service and CRM Server are on separate machines, the user will be prompted to enter the hostname of the CRM Server.  This feature does not support connections to CRM servers in different domains.


Information Collected

Operating System Information
DescriptionFile Name
Operating System Version Information{Computername}_ADFSReport_{DateRan}.htm


Application Logs
DescriptionFile Name
Event Log – All ADFS 2.0 events in the last seven days

Event Log – All system events in the last seven days

Federation Service Properties
DescriptionFile Name
Details from the AD FS 2.0 service using the Microsoft.Adfs.Powershell snapin {Computername}_ADFSReport_{DateRan}.htm

IIS URL ACL Information
DescriptionFile Name
Provides the output from the Netsh Http Show UrlAcl command line utility{Computername}_ADFSReport_{DateRan}.htm

AD FS 2.0 Endpoint Information
DescriptionFile Name
Listing of the configured endpoints in AD FS 2.0 using the Microsoft.Adfs.Powershell snapin{Computername}_ADFSReport_{DateRan}.htm

AD FS 2.0 Relying Party Trust Information
DescriptionFile Name
Details the relying party trusts that have been configured in AD FS 2.0 using the Microsoft.Adfs.Powershell snapin {Computername}_ADFSReport_{DateRan}.htm

AD FS 2.0 Claims Provider Trust Information
DescriptionFile Name
Details the Claims provider trusts that have been configured in AD FS 2.0 using the Microsoft.Adfs.Powershell snapin{Computername}_ADFSReport_{DateRan}.htm

AD FS 2.0 Certificate Information
DescriptionFile Name
Detailed listing of the certificates used for the AD FS Service Communication, Token Signing, and Token Decryption{Computername}_ADFSReport_{DateRan}.htm

IIS Application Pool Settings
DescriptionFile Name
Detailed list of all application pools that are present on the server that is running IIS and the AD FS 2.0 service{Computername}_ADFSReport_{DateRan}.htm

IIS Applications Running Under AD FS Application Pool
DescriptionFile Name
Listing of the applications that have configured to run under the context of the AD FS 2.0 Application Pool{Computername}_ADFSReport_{DateRan}.htm

IIS Authentication Information
DescriptionFile Name
Detailed listing of the authentication settings for the AD FS web site and its application.  The sites include:

‘Default Web Site’

‘Default Web Site’/adfs

‘Default Web Site’/adfs/

IIS Application Pool Settings For CRM Server
DescriptionFile Name
Detailed listing of all application pools that are present on the server that is running IIS and the CRM Server.{Computername}_CRMClaimsReport_{DateRan}.htm

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server Certificate Information
DescriptionFile Name
Provides information related to the certificate that is assigned to the Microsoft CRM website{Computername}_CRMClaimsReport_{DateRan}.htm

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Federation Provider Information
DescriptionFile Name
Listing of the details for the configured Microsoft Dynamics CRM Federation Provider that is stored in the MSCRM_Config.FederationProvider table{Computername}_CRMClaimsReport_{DateRan}.htm

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web Address Information
DescriptionFile Name
Detailed listing of the web addresses that have been used to configure Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 for Claims based authentication.{Computername}_CRMClaimsReport_{DateRan}.htm

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Internet Facing Deployment (IFD) Information
DescriptionFile Name
Listing of properties from the MSCRM_Config.Deployment table that are used to configure Microsoft Dynamics CRM as an Internet Facing Deployment.{Computername}_CRMClaimsReport_{DateRan}.htm

Microsoft Dynamics CRM IIS URL ACL Information
DescriptionFile Name
Provides the output from the Netsh Http Show UrlAcl command line utility{{Computername}_CRMClaimsReport_{DateRan}.htm

Additional Information

This collector has a notifications area at the top of the diagnostic report detailing items that may be important to make note of.  These are items that aren’t at the root cause of an issue but are worth noting as they may affect the performance or usability of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.  For this reason, they are called out at the top of the report to give them visibility. 

1.     Virtualization Check – This is notification that CRM is being run with a virtual server and may experience performance issues.

2.     IsDisableLoopbackCheckEnabled – Warnings that this key from the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa registry hive is or is not set.  This key does impact the performance of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server.

3.     IsBackConnectionHostNames – Similar warning to the IsDisableLoopbackCheckEnabled registry key check.  This can have performance implications as well.

4.     CustomPluginPresenceCheck – Just notifies the customer or engineer to the presence of custom CRM Plugins in the deployment.

5.     Power Plan Settings Notification – Having the CRM server’s power plan settings set to something other than High Performance may have performance implications to Microsoft CRM.  This displays what the power plan is set to.


KB 973559 - Frequently asked questions about the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) for Windows 7

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Keywords: kbmbspartner, kbmbsmigrate, kbsurveynew, kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 2764416
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 10/5/2012
Exists online : False
Views : 188