You need to see if there are any OPEN Receivables Management transactions or unposted Sales Order Processing transactions for the customer. To resolve this problem, follow these steps:
1.) Navigate to the Receivables Transaction Inquiry - Customer window. To get to this window go to the Inquiry menu, point to Sales, and then click Transaction by Customer.
2.) Enter the customer ID and mark the “Open” checkbox only. Then click Redisplay.
3.) If there are any RM transactions with an Origin of OPEN, then you will not be able to inactivate this customer until the transactions are moved to history.
4.) To move them to history you will need to run the Paid Transaction Removal routine on this customer. Before running the Paid Transaction Removal routine you will want to make sure you are maintaining history on the customer by looking at the Customer Maintenance Options window. To get to this window go to the Cards menu, point to Sales, click Customer, select your customer, and then click Options.
5.) Make sure the checkboxes in the Maintain History section are marked. If they are unmarked and you run the Paid Transaction Removal routine the transactions for this customer will be removed from the system instead of being moved to history.
6.) Run Paid Transaction Removal by navigating to the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Tools, point to Routines, point to Sales, and then click Paid Transaction Removal.
7.) In the Paid Transaction Removal routine window, enter the customer ID in the “From” and “To” fields and click Process.
Next we will check to see if there are any un-posted SOP transactions for this customer using these steps:
1.) Navigate to the Sales Order Processing Document Inquiry window. To get to this window go to the Inquiry menu, point to Sales, and then click Sales Documents.
2.) Change the Documents drop down to “by Customer ID” and enter the customer you are trying to inactivate in the From and To fields.
3.) Mark the “Unposted” option and click Redisplay.
4.) If there are any transactions showing they will need to be moved to history or removed from the system before you can inactivate the customer.
5.) To move SOP transactions to history you can use the Reconcile – Remove Sales Documents utility. To get to this window go to the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Tools, point to Utilities, point to Sales, and then click Reconcile-Remove Sales Documents.
6.) Mark the “Remove Completed Documents” option and enter the transaction in the From and To fields. Click Process.
Note: If you do not have the Maintain History checkboxes marked for this customer in the Customer Maintenance Options window this utility will remove the transaction from the system instead of moving it to history.
After taking care of any unposted transactions and any posted transactions that are not in history, you should be able to inactivate the customer without error.