When you try to start Microsoft Visual Studio 11 Beta after you install Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate, Visual Studio 11 Beta tries to start and then crashes.
This problem may occur because you have different language versions installed or different Visual Studio editions installed. For example, you have the Japanese version of Visual Studio 11 Beta and the English version of Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate installed. Or, you have the English version of Visual Studio 11 Express Beta and the English version of Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate Release Candidate installed.
This problem may occur because you have different language versions installed or different Visual Studio editions installed. For example, you have the Japanese version of Visual Studio 11 Beta and the English version of Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate installed. Or, you have the English version of Visual Studio 11 Express Beta and the English version of Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate Release Candidate installed.