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You cannot upload data from a HealthVault-approved medical device to HealthVault Connection Center

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Consider the following scenario: You cannot upload data from a Microsoft HealthVault-approved medical device to Microsoft HealthVault Connection Center, and you confirmed that your device contains new data that has not been uploaded. In this scenario, the problem is likely caused by an issue either with HealthVault Connection Center or with the device itself. To determine the cause of the issue, first test HealthVault Connection Center. To do this, follow the steps in the "Test HealthVault Connection Center" section.

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More Information

Test HealthVault Connection Center

To determine whether HealthVault Connection Center is working correctly on your computer that is running Windows Vista or Windows 7, follow these steps.

Note If you have Windows XP, you cannot perform this test.
  1. Start HealthVault Connection Center.
  2. Click Select a task.
  3. Click Add a device.
  4. Click Try another way to find your device.
  5. Click Microsoft, click HealthVault Weight Gadget, and then click Add.
  6. Right-click an empty area on your desktop, and then click Gadgets.
  7. Right-click HealthVault Weight Gadget, and then click Add.
  8. Type a weight in the Weight gadget field, and then press Enter.
  9. In the HealthVault Connection Center, click Select a task, and then click HealthVault Weight Gadget.

    Note You may have to provide access to your account.
  10. Select the profile to which you want to upload, and then click Upload now.

You should now be able to upload data to a Microsoft HealthVault account by using the gadget and connection center.

Note If you want more assistance and have to contact support after you follow these steps, let the support agent know that you already performed these steps by including this information in your support ticket. To open a support ticket for HealthVault Connection Center, see the "Microsoft Support" section.

Additional troubleshooting

How to troubleshoot device upload problems

If you can upload data by following the steps in the "Test HealthVault Connection Center" section, the HealthVault Connection Center is working correctly. There may be a problem with the medical device or with the cable that is used to connect the device to your computer. In this case, replace the battery in your device, and try again. If replacing the battery does not resolve the issue, click the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article number to continue troubleshooting the issue:
943236 How to troubleshoot device problems in Microsoft HealthVault Connection Center
Note If you still cannot upload data to HealthVault Connection Center, contact the device manufacturer for additional support.

How to reinstall HealthVault Connection Center

If you cannot upload data by following the steps in the "Test HealthVault Connection Center" section, follow these steps to remove and then reinstall HealthVault Connection Center:
  1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
  2. Click Program and Features.
  3. Locate Microsoft HealthVault Connection Center.
  4. Click Uninstall.
  5. Wait until the program is uninstalled.
  6. Go to the following location to install the latest version of HealthVault Connection Center:
  7. After HealthVault Connection Center is reinstalled, connect your device again, and then try to upload data.

Microsoft Support

If you still cannot upload data to HealthVault Connection Center, follow these steps:
  1. Contact Microsoft Support by going to
  2. Click Assisted Support.
  3. Click Assisted Support for HealthVault issues and questions.
  4. Provide the details of the problem, and include the steps that you followed in this article.

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Keywords: kb, kbsurveynew, kbprb, kbexpertiseinter

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Article Info
Article ID : 2716164
Revision : 2
Created on : 9/29/2020
Published on : 9/29/2020
Exists online : False
Views : 242