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Offline synchronization fails in Dynamics CRM client for Outlook

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When you modify your offline synchronization filters for the offline synchronization process in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook with offline access you might experience errors like the following:

BCP file size is incorrect. Actual:1151232800. Expected:1151232478"
"Crm Exception: Message: Client was not able to download BCP file. ErrorCode: -2147204572"
"BCP file size is incorrect. Actual:516357050. Expected:516356728"
"BCP file size is incorrect. Actual:293877994. Expected:293877672"
"Downloaded 0 bytes for entity Annotation, batchSize= 146"
"Crm Exception: Message: Failed move data for entity 'Note' during action Insert, countRows=584, ErrorCode: -2147204571"

Note: Actual and Expected are meassured in bytes. The entity listed might be different as well.

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The size of the BCP files might be too large or are taking too much time to download from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server because they contain too much data.

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Adjust the registry for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook with offline access to tune the values used to synchronize data from Microsoft Dynamics CRM to the SQL Express database used while offline in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook with offline access.

All registry entries listed below exist in the following location


Name: OfflineRowsBatchSize


Valid Value: Positive integer value greater than or equal to 1

Default Value: 10000

Purpose: Size for each initial batch of data downloaded from the CRM Server

Name: OfflineMaxRetryCount


Valid Value: Positive integer value greater than or equal to 1

Default Value: 3

Purpose: Number of times a batch is retried before failing. Each failure may retry with a smaller batch size depending on the rate of decrease

Name: OfflineIncreaseRate


Valid Value: Positive integer value greater than or equal to 1

Default Value: 2

Purpose: How much next batch is increased in size (previous batch size * OfflineIncreaseRate) if the previous batch was completed successfully in the allow time span.

Name: OfflineDecreaseRate


Valid Value: Positive integer value greater than or equal to 1

Default Value: 2

Purpose: How much next batch is decreased in size (prevoius batch size / OfflineDecreaseRate) if the previous batch failed to complete successfully or did not complete in the allowed time span.

Name: OfflineMaxBatchTimeMillSec


Valid Value: Positive integer value greater than or equal to 1 measured in milliseconds

Default Value: 60000

Purpose: The max time in milliseconds that is acceptable to download a batch before the batch size is decreased

Name: OfflineMinBatchTimeMilliSec


Valid Value: Positive integer value greater than or equal to 1 measured in milliseconds

Default Value: 10000

Purpose: The min time in milliseconds that is acceptable to download a batch before the bacth size is increased

Note: OfflineMinBatchTimeMilliSec must be less than or equal to OfflineMaxBatchTimeMilliSec

Note: If you set OfflineMinBatchTimeMilliSec equal to OfflineMaxBatchTimeMilliSec then the batch size will stay the same and never increase or decrease. This may cause the sync process to take much longer than normal, but may allow the process to complete if the errors received are due to too large of files attempting to be downloaded from the CRM Server.

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More Information

Offline and Only Synchronization in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0, Section: Appendix C: Dynamic Batching

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Keywords: kbmbspartner, kbmbsmigrate, kbsurveynew, kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 2715857
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 9/14/2012
Exists online : False
Views : 232