For versions of the Microsoft SQL Server client-side Multiprotocol Network library prior to Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.1, any Multiprotocol connection requires a trusted Microsoft Windows NT connection, even a Microsoft SQL Server authenticated login. Versions of the Multiprotocol netlib included with MDAC 2.1 or later relax this requirement. If you use Multiprotocol to make a SQL Server authenticated connection from a client that has MDAC 2.1 or later installed, you no longer need a trusted connection. If you request a Windows NT authenticated login when you connect to SQL Server, you need a Windows NT trust (your Windows NT credentials must be recognized by the server) with any version of the netlib.
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The version of SQL Server to which you connect is not relevant. The versions of the Dbmsrpcn.dll (the Multiprotocol netlib DLL) file that do not require a trusted connection for a SQL Server authenticated login have a file version of 1998.11.13.0 or later.
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