This URL returns the JScript file needed by the browser to determine which server in the Cache Array Routing Protocol (CARP) contains the requested URL. This is used transparently by the browser.
This URL returns the following information about the Web proxy:
Proxy Array Information/1.0 << 1.0 because V1 was requested in the URL.
ArrayEnabled: 1 << 1=Array, 0=Stand alone server.
ConfigID: 339 << Internal information
ArrayName: ISA Array << Array name
ListTTL: 3000 << Time to live for this list in seconds.
The remaining table contains data in the following column sequence: each server's fully qualified domain name (FQDN); that server's Internet Protocol (IP) address; the Web Proxy's port number; the URL location of the Array.dll file; the version of ISA Server; the service-up time in seconds; the service state; the load factor; and the cache size on disk in megabytes (MB).
This URL returns the following information about the Web proxy:
Proxy Array Information/2.0 << 2.0 because V2 was requested in the URL.
ArrayEnabled: 1 << 1=Array, 0=Stand alone server.
ConfigID: 339 << Internal information
ArrayName: ISA Array << Array name
ListTTL: 3000 << Time to live for this list in seconds.
The remaining table contains data in the following column sequence: the NetBIOS name of the array member; the FQDN of the array member; the CARP hash value for the server; the IP address; the Web Proxy port; the URL for the Array.dll file; the ISA Server version; the service-up time in seconds; the state of the service; the load factor; and the size of cache on disk in megabytes (MB).