When you are using Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server, if you specify a redirection in the Site and Content rules, when you request a URL, you are unable to locate the site. A repeating loop condition may also occur. For example, if the original destination is www.test.com and the redirected destination is www.redirect.com, if you try to connect to www.test.com, you are redirected to www.redirect.com. You are then redirected back to www.test.com and a loop occurs.
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This condition can occur when you create a Site and Content rule which denies all destinations. If you select the Redirect the request to an alternate URL option, specify the URL and then set it to apply to all requests, the client's browser constantly tries to reach its original destination. The browser is then redirected to the URL that is specified in the rule.
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To resolve this issue, use either of the following methods:
- When you select the Redirect the request to an alternate URL option, do not specify a URL to redirect to.
-or- - Create a Site and content rule that denies all destinations, except the one you want to redirect to. Also create a Site and Content rule that permits access to the specific destination(s) permitted.
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The second rule is necessary because the 'Deny' rule only denies the request, the exception of certain destinations does make this rule process as an "allow" rule. Because ISA implicitly denies all requests that are not explicitly permitted, a permit rule is needed to handle the destinations you want to make accessible and not redirect. See online help for more information about how to create Site and Content rules to deny all sites except a selected destination.
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