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[SDP 3][ 41d857ad-9d6c-4b0d-87e8-1d59c62ec564] Microsoft Dynamics CRM Email Router Collector

View products that this article applies to.


The diagnostic tool that described in this article can be used on the following versions of Windows:
  • Windows Server 2003
  • Windows Server 2008
  • Windows Server 2008 R2

Information that is collected

The following data can be collected by the Dynamics CRM Email Router diagnostic tool of the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool.

Note All file names in the data collection are prefaced with the name of the computer (ComputerName) on which the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool is run.

Operating system information
DescriptionFile Name
Operating system version informationComputerName_DateRan.htm

Microsoft Dynamics CRM installed software and hotfix information
DescriptionFile Name
List of the installed Microsoft Dynamics CRM software and hotfixesComputerName_DateRan.htm

Microsoft CRM Email Router registry key information
DescriptionFile Name
List of various settings from the HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\MSCRM Email registry hiveComputerName_DateRan.htm

Microsoft CRM Email Router configuration file contents
DescriptionFile Name
List of the values that are contained in the Microsoft.Crm.Tools.EmailAgent.xml and Microsoft.Crm.Tools.EmailAgent.SystemState.xml filesComputerName_DateRan.htm

Profiles information
DescriptionFile Name
List of the configuration profiles that are set up for the CRM Email Router by using the Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Email.Management applicationComputerName_DateRan.htm

Deployments information
DescriptionFile Name
List of the email deployments that are configured by using the Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Email.Management applicationComputerName_DateRan.htm

Recipients information per deployment information
DescriptionFile Name
List of the users, the queues, and the forward mailboxes that are configured for each deployment by using the Microsoft.Crm.Tools.Email.Management applicationComputerName_DateRan.htm

Microsoft CRM Email Router program file information
DescriptionFile Name
List of all the program files that the Email Router application uses based on the installation location that is retrieved from the HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\MSCRM Email registry hiveComputerName_DateRan.htm

Microsoft CRM files that are installed in the assembly cache
DescriptionFile Name
List of all Microsoft Dynamics CRM files that are installed in the global assembly cache on the CRM ServerComputerName_DateRan.htm

Windows Services list
DescriptionFile Name
Detailed list of the Windows Services on the server that hosts the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Email Router applicationComputerName_DateRan.htm

Running processes
DescriptionFile Name
Detailed list of all running processes on the server that hosts the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Email Router applicationComputerName_DateRan.htm

Application event logs
DescriptionFile Name
Event log errors and warnings from the last seven daysComputerName_DateRan.htm

TCP/IP settings
DescriptionFile Name
List of TCP/IP registry keys and their valuesComputerName_DateRan.htm
For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
KB 926079 Frequently asked questions about the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT)

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Article Info
Article ID : 2695996
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 7/16/2012
Exists online : False
Views : 163