To implement this hotfix, you must have a developer license.
You do not have to have rights to the data stores unless you have to perform data repair.
To resolve this problem, change the code in Data Item Number 2 in the Intrastat - Form report (501) as follows:
"Intrastat Jnl. Line"."VAT Registration No.","Intrastat Jnl. Line"."Transaction Type",
"Intrastat Jnl. Line"."Tariff No.","Intrastat Jnl. Line"."Group Code","Intrastat Jnl. Line"."Transport Method",
"Intrastat Jnl. Line"."Transaction Specification",CountryOriginCode,"Intrastat Jnl. Line".Area,
"Intrastat Jnl. Line"."Corrective entry")
// Delete the following lines.
"Intra - form Buffer".Amount := "Intra - form Buffer".Amount + "Intrastat Jnl. Line".Amount;
"Intra - form Buffer"."Source Currency Amount" := "Intra - form Buffer"."Source Currency Amount" +
"Intrastat Jnl. Line"."Source Currency Amount";
"Intra - form Buffer"."Total Weight" := "Intra - form Buffer"."Total Weight" + "Intrastat Jnl. Line"."Total Weight";
"Intra - form Buffer"."Statistical Value" := "Intra - form Buffer"."Statistical Value" +
"Intrastat Jnl. Line"."Statistical Value";
// End of the lines.
"Intra - form Buffer".Quantity := "Intra - form Buffer".Quantity + SupplUnits;
"Intra - form Buffer".MODIFY;
"Intra - form Buffer".TRANSFERFIELDS("Intrastat Jnl. Line");
"Intra - form Buffer"."Country of Origin Code" := CountryOriginCode;
"Intrastat Jnl. Line"."VAT Registration No.","Intrastat Jnl. Line"."Transaction Type",
"Intrastat Jnl. Line"."Tariff No.","Intrastat Jnl. Line"."Group Code","Intrastat Jnl. Line"."Transport Method",
"Intrastat Jnl. Line"."Transaction Specification",CountryOriginCode,"Intrastat Jnl. Line".Area,
"Intrastat Jnl. Line"."Corrective entry")
// Add the following lines.
"Intra - form Buffer".Amount := ROUND("Intra - form Buffer".Amount,1) ROUND("Intrastat Jnl. Line".Amount,1);
"Intra - form Buffer"."Source Currency Amount" := "Intra - form Buffer"."Source Currency Amount" +
"Intrastat Jnl. Line"."Source Currency Amount";
"Intra - form Buffer"."Total Weight" := "Intra - form Buffer"."Total Weight" + "Intrastat Jnl. Line"."Total Weight";
"Intra - form Buffer"."Statistical Value" := ROUND("Intra - form Buffer"."Statistical Value",1) +
ROUND("Intrastat Jnl. Line"."Statistical Value",1);
// End of the lines.
"Intra - form Buffer".Quantity := "Intra - form Buffer".Quantity + SupplUnits;
"Intra - form Buffer".MODIFY;
"Intra - form Buffer".TRANSFERFIELDS("Intrastat Jnl. Line");
"Intra - form Buffer"."Country of Origin Code" := CountryOriginCode;