To work around this problem, create a new status message filter rule for each primary site to filter out the ID 5450 status messages while migration occurs. To do this, follow these steps:
- Select the Administration node in the Administration Console, and on the Site Configuration menu, click Sites.
- Select each primary site, one at a time, and repeat the following steps for each primary site:
- Click Status Filter Rules in the Ribbon, and then click Create.
- Click to select the Message ID check box, type 5450 in the ID field, and then click Next.
- Select Do not process lower-priority status filter rules, click Next two times, and then click Close.
- Increase the priority of the new rule so that the priority is just higher than Write all other messages to the site database and specify the period after which the user can delete the messages, and then click OK.
Note You should disable or delete rules after client migration is complete. You should do this because, when status message ID 5450 is logged under typical operations, such activity may be a sign of a problem in the environment.