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Some cluster server file share resources are not available

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When you create a file-share resource on a cluster server and try to share subfolders, some subfolders are not shared or the file-share resource may not come online. Additionally, clients cannot connect to some or all of the subfolders on the file share, and they may see the following event ID:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: ClusSvc
Event ID: 1068
Description: Cluster file share resource <ResourceName> failed to start with error 5.

You may also see a message that resembles the following error message in the Cluster.log file:
ERR File Share <Dept Share>: Error 5 bringing share <Dept>, <path>

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This behavior can occur if the service account that is used by the Cluster service does not have NTFS read permissions on the root folder for the file share and on all of the subfolders and files in the file share.

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To resolve this issue, grant NTFS read permissions to the service account that is being used by the cluster server on all of the shared folders.

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This behavior is by design.

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More information

When a cluster server attempts to bring a file-share resource and its subfolders online, the service account that the Cluster service is using must have read access at the minimum for the folders in question. If the Cluster service account has access only to some of the subfolders, only the folders to which the cluster has read access come online.

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Keywords: KB269137, kbprb, kbenv, kbclustering

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Article Info
Article ID : 269137
Revision : 4
Created on : 11/19/2008
Published on : 11/19/2008
Exists online : False
Views : 521