Consider the following scenario in Advanced Shipment Management in Microsoft Dynamics SL:
When you do this and review the files that you created, you notice that the number of containers and the container number are correct the first time that you print the container. However, the container number is incorrect the second time that you print the container.
- You open ASM Setup (50.950.00) and check Module Active .
- You open EDI Customer Maintenance (44.201.00), select a customer and set Container Tracking Level to Track Container Contents.
- You open Sales Orders (40.110.00) and enter a Sales Order.
- You open Shipment Confirmation (40.117.00) and then click the Container button.
- In the Container Builder (50.002.00) screen, you click the Print button.
- In Shipment Confirmation (40.117.00) you click the Container button again, and in Container Builder (50.002.00) you click Print again.
When you do this and review the files that you created, you notice that the number of containers and the container number are correct the first time that you print the container. However, the container number is incorrect the second time that you print the container.