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[SDP 3][f4af120f-5d6c-46ec-b616-694b6600675c]The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Client Performance diagnostic tool

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The Microsoft Dynamics CRM Client Performance diagnostic tool collects information that is related to Internet Explorer and network configuration for a computer that is experiencing performance issues. This article describes the data that is collected by the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Client Performance diagnostic tool.

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Information that is collected

The following data can be collected by the Dynamics CRM Client Performance diagnostic tool. (This tool is part of the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool.)


All file names in the data collection are prefaced with the name of the computer on which the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool is run.

The diagnostic tool uses the Fiddler tool to collect network latency and Internet Explorer information. For more information about the Fiddler tool, go to the following website:
The diagnostic tool uses the AutoRuns tool to collect information that is related to Internet Explorer add-zns. For more information about the AutoRuns tool, go to the following Microsoft TechNet website:

Operating system information
DescriptionFile name
Operating system version information<ComputerName>_<DateRun>.htm

Internet Explorer version information
DescriptionFile name
Lists the version of Internet Explorer that is currently installed on the computer.<ComputerName>_<DateRun>.htm
Internet Explorer option settings
DescriptionFile name
Lists various settings from the HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings registry hive such as temporary Internet files cache size and Stored Pages option settings.<ComputerName>_<DateRun>.htm
Internet Explorer trusted site and proxy settings
DescriptionFile name
Lists registry keys and values that are stored under the HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zonemap\Domains registry hive. Additionally, this file lists the registry keys and values under the HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings hive.<ComputerName>_<DateRun>.htm
Internet Explorer zone security information
DescriptionFile name
Lists the values from the HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones registry hive.<ComputerName>_<DateRun>.htm
Network adapter binding information
DescriptionFile name
Provides information about the binding order of the installed network adapters on the computer.<ComputerName>_<DateRun>.htm
TCP/IP configuration
DescriptionFile name
Lists TCP/IP registry keys and their values.<ComputerName>_<DateRun>.htm
MaxConnectionsPerServer settings
DescriptionFile name
Lists the values of the registry keys that relate to the MaxConnectionsPerServer settings as outlined in;EN-US;282402.<ComputerName>_<DateRun>.htm
Port counts per IP address information
DescriptionFile name
Provides information that is related to possible ephemeral port exhaustion.<ComputerName>_<DateRun>.htm
Microsoft Dynamics CRM diagnostics information
DescriptionFile name
Lists the information that is collected from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 \Tools\Diag.aspx page. This page details network latency information between the computer that is running the diagnostic and the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server. This information is not displayed for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 deployments.<ComputerName>_<DateRun>.htm
Additional Information
The following files are collected as part of the Dynamics CRM Client Performance diagnostic tool.
DescriptionFile name
A text file that contains the output from the Fiddler toolFiddler.saz
Text files in both XML and CSV format from the AutoRuns tool that detail the add-ins that are installed in Internet Explorer and the Windows Shell.<ComputerName>_AutoRuns_IE_Addons.xml


973559 Frequently asked questions about the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) for Windows 7

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Keywords: kbmbspartner, kbmbsmigrate, kbsurveynew, kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 2684582
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 7/10/2012
Exists online : False
Views : 246