In Microsoft Exchange Server, the message transfer agent (MTA) does not start and you may receive the following event ID messages:
Date: 7/6/00 Event ID: 168
Time: 4:00:06 PM Source: MSExchangeMTA
User: N/A Type: Warning
Computer: SERVER Category; Directory access
Unable to find the global domain information for the /o=ORGANIZATION/ou=SITE
/cn=Configuration/cn=Site-Addressing Microsoft Exchange site.
[MTA MAIN BASE 1 273] (12)
Date: 7/6/00 Event ID: 2240
Time: 5:10:01 PM Source: MSExchangeMTA
User: N/A Type: Warning
Computer: SERVER Category; Directory Access
Directory operation (ds_bind) failed with problem DS_E_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS.
[RD Server MAIN BASE 1 116] (12)
Date: 7/6/00 Event ID: 9406
Time: 4:00:06 PM Source: MSExchangeMTA
User: N/A Type: Warning
Computer: SERVER Category; Directory access
There is not enough Performance Monitor memory to display the MTA Connections information.
Stop attached Performance Monitors and re-start the MTA. [BASE MAIN BASE 1] (14)