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[SDP 3][d46542b8-afe8-427f-9c59-3d1d6f2dc97f] Microsoft Word Support Diagnostic

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This Support Diagnostics Platform (SDP) diagnostic tool collects relevant log files, registry keys, client networking configuration information, event logs, and important file details that are used by the following Microsoft Office application:
  • Microsoft Word
Also, to help troubleshoot common support issues, a series of configuration checks are run to determine whether you may be encountering the conditions that are specified by the checks.

This article contains information about the data that is collected by the Microsoft Word Support Diagnostic.

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More Information

You can use this diagnostic on the following versions of Windows:
  • Windows XP (x86 and x64)
  • Windows Server 2003 (x86 and x64)
  • Windows Vista (x86 and x64)
  • Windows Server 2008 (x86 and x64)
  • Windows 7 (x86 and x64)
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
  • Windows 8
Note Exceptions are as follows:
  • Itanium (IA-64)
  • Windows Server 2008 (non-R2) ServerCore installation option
 After you run the SDP package with administrator permissions you will be presented with the following dialog boxes.

There is an option to run the diagonostic on the local computer or create a portable version.

This is the Service Setup dialog. 

Select start to kick off the diagnostic.

This dialog presents a link to the KB for detailed information about the Word Diagnostic Package.

Select the Full option unless directed by the support engineer.

There is an option to upload additional files if needed.

This dialog allows you to review and select the data.

The next dialog allows you to save a copy of the CAB files and sent the diagnostic to Microsoft.

  • All file names in the data collection are prefaced by <ComputerName>. This placeholder represents the name of the computer on which the Word Support Diagnostic is run.
  • Some file names in the data collection include <full path>. This placeholder represents the full path of the file on the hard disk.

Files that are collected

Third-party modules that are running under the Office application that is selected
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
List of third-party modules that are running under the selected Office application<ComputerName>_3rd_party_Modules.txtYesYesNo
Add-in information
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
List of add-ins that are not published by Microsoft<ComputerName>_3rd_party_addins.txtYesYesYes
List of Microsoft add-ins<ComputerName>_msft_addins.txtYesYesYes
Autorun information
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
Autorun information that is captured by using the Autorun utility<ComputerName>_Autoruns.html,xmlYesNoNo
File information about important Office files
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
Details about the files in Office-specific folders (for example, Office14) in the \Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared folder<ComputerName>_sym_CommonProgramFilesOffice.csv,txtYesYesNo
Details about the files in the \Program Files\Common Files\System folder<ComputerName>_sym_CommonProgramFilesSystem.csv,txtYesYesNo
Details about the files in the \Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VBA folder<ComputerName>_sym_CommonProgramFilesVBA.csv,txtYesYesNo
Details about the files in the \Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VSTO folder<ComputerName>_sym_CommonProgramFilesVSTO.csv,txtYesYesNo
Details about the Word Process in the \Program Files\Microsoft Office folder<ComputerName>_sym_windword_Process.csv.txtYesYesNo
Details about the files in Office-specific folders (for example, Office14) in the \Program Files\Microsoft Office folder or in the \Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office folder<ComputerName>_sym_ProgramFilesOffice.csv,txtYesYesNo
Details about the files in Office-specific folders (for example, Office14) in the \Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\Addins folder or the \Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\Addins folder<ComputerName>_sym_ProgramFilesOfficeAddins.csv,txtYesYesNo
Details about the .dll files in the \Windows\system32 folder<ComputerName>_sym_System32.csv,txtYesYesNo
Details about the .dll files in the \Windows\syswow64 folder<ComputerName>_sym_SysWow64.csv,txtYesYesNo

Details on Click-to-run installations of Office 2013

Configuration-related information about Office 2013 Click-to-run installations.

DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
Text file that contains Click-to-Run configuration details<Computername>_Click-To-Run_Details.txtYesYesYes
Environment variables
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
Environment variables<ComputerName>_EnvironmentVariables.txtYesYesYes
Event logs
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
Events from the last 15 days that are recorded in additional formats (.csv, and .txt) and also in the full Application log (.evtx)<ComputerName>_evt_Application.csv,evtx,txtYesYesNo
Events from the last 15 days that are recorded in additional formats (.csv, and .txt) and also in the full System log (.evtx)<ComputerName>_evt_System.csv,evtx,txtYesYesNo
Events over the last five (5) days from the Microsoft Office Alerts log files.<Computername>_evt_OAlerts.csv,evtx,txtYesYesYes

Uploaded files
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
Compressed (.zip) file that contains the files that you selected to have uploaded to Microsoft<ComputerName>_File.zipYesYesYes
Font information
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
Detailed information about the fonts that are installed on the system<ComputerName>_FontInfo.txt,csvYesYesYes

Identity logging

If identity logging is enabled, the diagnostic will collect the logs generated by this logging. This logging information is specific to Office 2013 account functionality configurable in the backstage.
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
Compressed (.zip) file that contains the MsoidLiteTrace log file and MsoCredProv.txt.<ComputerName>_IdentityLogging.zipYesYesYes
Internet Explorer cache
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
Text file that contains the location of the Internet Explorer cache<ComputerName>_IE_TempFolder.txtYesYesYes
Installed application information
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
CSV file that lists all installed products on the client<ComputerName>_Installed_Products.csvYesYesYes
List of processes that are running on the computer
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
List of processes and related services that are running on the computer<ComputerName>_Processes.txtYesYesYes
Networking details
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
Report that contains network-related parameters<ComputerName>_SMB-Info.txtYesYesYes
Report that contains TCP/IP-related information from the computer<ComputerName>_TcpIp-Info.txtYesYesYes
List of installed printers
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
Text file that lists all installed printers on the client<ComputerName>_Printers.txtYesYesYes
Module Signature Information
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
Module Signatures<ComputerName>_Module_Signature_Status.txtYesNoNo
Registry keys
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\[Wow6432Node\]Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options<ComputerName>_reg_HKLM_IFEO.reg,txtYesYesYes
Robust Office Inventory Scan output
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
File that lists all installed applications of the supported Office families<ComputerName>_ROIScan.txt,xmlYesYesNo
Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) that is generated by GPResult.exe
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
Output from running GPResult.exe<ComputerName>_GPResult.htm,txtYesYesNo
Updates that are installed on the computer
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
List of updates that are installed on the computer<ComputerName>_Hotfixes.csv,htm,txtYesYesYes
3rd Party Services
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
3rd party services <ComputerName>_Non_Microsoft_Services_Running.csvYesNoNo
Startup Items
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
Startup items for computer<ComputerName>_Startup_Items_Enabled.csvYesNoNo
Windows Media codec information
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
Windows Media codecs<ComputerName>_CodecInfo.txtYesYesYes

Video driver details
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
Text file that lists details about the video driver that is installed on the client<ComputerName>_VideoDriverInformation.txtYesYesYes
Word configuration
DescriptionFile name or namesFullMediumLite
Word registry configuration settings<ComputerName>_Word_Configuration_Summary.txtYesYesYes

The following checks are performed by the Word Support Diagnostic.

Unable to open .docx file after applying 981715After you install any update to the Office Compatibility Pack, the file associations may change back to the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack (MOC.exe).
Opening office documents is slow due to hptcpmon.dllWhen certain HP printer drivers are installed, Office applications are very slow to open or close. This is caused by the presence of the HP Digital Imaging Monitor.
Office files may be missingWhen you change an Office file from the Internet, the file may be saved to an unexpected location.
Office programs may seem to stop responding (hang) when you open or save from a network locationWhen you try to open a file from a network location, the Office program may run very slowly or seem to stop responding (hang).
Graphic Filters Settings Present After MS10-105 After you apply MS10-105, users cannot insert certain images into Office applications.;EN-US;2479871
The spelling checker does not flag misspelled words in Microsoft Word When you type a misspelled word in Microsoft Word, it is not flagged by the spelling checker.
Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI) will freeze when opening .mdi files if Desktop Experience is installed After you install Desktop Experience for Windows Server 2008 on a 64-bit Edition, Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI) or similar third-party writing applications will not respond to mouse commands when the applications are opened. However, those applications will still respond to keyboard commands. This issue occurs because the Desktop Experience installs a second instance of wisptis.exe in the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder, and this instance interferes with the instance of wisptis.exe that is installed in the C:\Windows\System32 folder together with Microsoft Office.
Word 2007 PostScript Printer configuration If SP2 is applied, and the user does not apply KB977031 together with the registry key that is listed, the user will experience missing parts of text boxes when he or she prints to PostScript printers if Charts or other Escher 2.0 objects are present.
Cannot follow hyperlink to Office document This checks whether the ForceShellExecute registry value is enabled.
The Desktop is being redirected to a nondefault location Office assumes connectivity to the desktop, and if the desktop is redirected, users can face hangs and crashes in Word when they try to open or save documents.
Google Desktop When Google Desktop is present, it caches user passwords without asking the user. This means that documents that would typically require a password to open can be opened without the user having to supply the password.
Word Convertor When a file has a *.doc or *.docx file name extension but the content is a plain text file or another kind of file that is not a Microsoft Word binary file, and that file is opened in Microsoft Word, you may receive an error message.
You may be running an out-of-date version of Office Office 2003 was detected on your computer. Check the Microsoft Product Lifecycle webpage for more information.
Office 2010 Prerequisites Validation Office 2010 requires Windows XP Service Pack 3 to be installed.
Some settings for the Visual Basic Editor that were enabled previously are now disabled in Office 2010 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is upgraded to version 7.0 in Microsoft Office 2010. Therefore, the registry entries that correspond to the settings for the Visual Basic Editor are located under a different subkey.
.lnk files in Office file locations When .lnk files exist in default Office locations (for example, default documents and recent folders), users can experience delays in Office applications during open, save, and editing.
Incompatible Adobe PDFMaker add-in Adobe PDFMaker X and later versions are recommended for use with Office 2010. Using legacy versions of PDFMaker could lead to known issues.
Check MAPI32 version for known MAPIAddress Regression There is a known regression in Windows 7 and in Windows Server 2008 R2 that causes any application that uses the Simple MAPI functions, MAPIAddress or MAPIResolveName, to fail with the error MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED.
MS12-027 may cause third-party VBA forms not to load correctly If you install this security update on a computer that has a third-party software solution installed, and the software solution is based on Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), and the software solution creates an instance of the control directly through Microsoft Office, the control may not load in your solution.
DFS configuration If drives are mapped to DFS namespaces, but DFS is not configured on a file server, documents that are saved to the DFS mapped drive may not display within Windows Explorer after the documents are saved.
ACEOLEDB ClsId registration The ClsId that is used with ACEOLDEB.dll has an incorrect path that is specified in the (default) value.

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2598970 Information about Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services and Support Diagnostic Platform

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Article Info
Article ID : 2681226
Revision : 2
Created on : 10/4/2019
Published on : 11/13/2019
Exists online : False
Views : 835