This article describes how to create and edit hyperlinks in FrontPage 2000.
A hyperlink is a connection from one page to another page or a different location on the same page. The destination is frequently another Web page, but it can also be a picture, an e-mail address, a file (such as a multimedia file or Microsoft Office document), or a program. A hyperlink can be text or a picture.
When a site visitor clicks the hyperlink, the destination is displayed in a Web browser, opened, or run, depending on the type of destination. For example, a hyperlink to an Audio-Video Interleaved (AVI) file opens the file in a media player, and a hyperlink to a page displays the page in the Web browser.
In the following example, the word "services" is a hyperlink; when the site visitor clicks it, the Services page is displayed.
Create a Hyperlink
You can create a hyperlink to a destination such as a page or file in a web. When a site visitor clicks the hyperlink, the destination is displayed in the Web browser. For example, you can create hyperlinks from your home page to the other pages in the web, or create a hyperlink to a Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) picture. To do this, follow these steps:
- In Page view, type the text that you want to use as a hyperlink, and then select it. For example, type and select My Interests to link to a page that describes your hobbies.
Or, if you want to use the title of the destination page (such as Home Page) or the location of the file (such as http://localhost/filename) as the hyperlink text, place the insertion point where you want to insert the hyperlink. - On the Insert menu, click Hyperlink.
- Locate the web in which the destination page or file is located, and then select the page or file.
NOTE: If the destination page or file is in the current web, click the page or file in the Folder List, and then drag it to where you want the hyperlink on the open page.
For more information about creating hyperlinks, click
Microsoft FrontPage Help on the
Help menu, type
create a hyperlink in the Answer Wizard, and then click
Search to view the topic.
Edit a Hyperlink
You can also edit a hyperlink. For example, you can change the text from "Click to see a picture" to "See my favorite picture," or you can change the hyperlink's destination (the page or file that is displayed when you click the hyperlink). To do either of these in Page view, use the appropriate method below:
- To change the hyperlink text, select the text and then edit it.
- To change a hyperlink's destination, select the hyperlink, right-click the hyperlink, click Hyperlink Properties on the shortcut menu, and then specify a different Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the destination.