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How to troubleshoot WinMgmt-based performance counter errors

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When you view the Application Event Viewer log on your computer, one or more of the following events may be logged.
Event message 1
Event Type: Error
Event Source: WinMgmt
Event Category: None
Event ID: 37
Description: WMI ADAP was unable to load the file name performance library due to an unknown problem within the library: 0x0
Event message 2
Event Type: Error
Event Source: WinMgmt
Event Category: None
Event ID: 41
Description: WMI ADAP was unable to create Object Index number from the Performance Library serivce name because the value is not found in 009 subkey
Event message 3
Event Type: Error
Event Source: WinMgmt
Event Category: None
Event ID: 61
Description: WMI ADAP was unable to process the file name performance library due to a time violation in the open function

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This behavior can occur because either there may be a problem in the counter, or there may be a false-positive return value in the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Performance Library dredger. If there is a false-positive return value in the WMI Performance Library dredger, in certain situations, the dredger may incorrectly determine that a library is invalid even though the counter works correctly.

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Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
322756 How to back up and restore the registry in Windows

Try to dredge the computer's performance libraries again by using the following commands:
winmgmt /clearadap
This command clears all WMI-related values from the service's performance registry key.
winmgmt /resyncperf "winmgmt service pid"
This command registers the computer's performance libraries with the WMI.

You can find the WMI service PID information on the Process tab of Windows Task Manager.

The performance registry keys for the involved services include the following registry keys:
Note For more information about the command options that are available with WMI, type winmgmt/? at a command prompt.

Another possible cause for the events may be that the counters are slow to respond due to other activities during startup. You can tune this timeout by adding the value Collect Timeout REG_DWORD 10000 to the appropriate registry location:
Where [counterfile] is the file name performance library listed in the error message from Event Viewer.

For example, the message in Event Viewer is as follows:
WMI ADAP was unable to process the perfproc.dll performance library due to a time violation in the open function
In this case, the registry key will be as follows:
Note This registry path does not include the file extension (.dll). If events continue to be logged after you make these changes, change the WbemAdapStatus value manually to REG_DWORD 0 under the service's performance registry key, and then increase the ADAPPerflibTimeout value to REG_DWORD 180 in the following registry key:
Note You must enter all registry changes as decimal values.

Additionally, you can disable performance counters for a specific service with the Exctrlst.exe utility from the Windows 2000 Resource Kit. This utility disables the specific counter by adding a registry key similar to the example below. You can add these registry entries under the specific counter entry manually if Exctrlst.exe is not available or desirable.

Value name: Disable Performance Counters
Value type: REG_DWORD
Value data: 1
Note To use these commands, click Start, Run, and then type cmd to access the command prompt.

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More information

The AutoDiscovery/AutoPurge (ADAP) process is responsible for collecting and maintaining performance counter objects in WMI that are registered on the computer.

The ADAP process starts when the WinMgmt service is started or when you install or uninstall the performance libraries, which contain the performance counters, by using either the Lodctr or Unlodctr utilities.

Although the events are logged, the counters are still available.

The first time that you restart the computer after you install Windows Home Server, you may find that there are ID 41 events logged in the Event Log that point to the performance library of WsearchIdxPi, UGTHRSVC, or Ugatherer. These warnings are incorrectly determined by the dredger. Therefore, you can ignore these ID 41 events.

For more information about event ID 41, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

Technical support for x64-based versions of Microsoft Windows

If your hardware came with a Microsoft Windows x64 edition already installed, your hardware manufacturer provides technical support and assistance for the Windows x64 edition. In this case, your hardware manufacturer provides support because a Windows x64 edition was included with your hardware. Your hardware manufacturer might have customized the Windows x64 edition installation by using unique components. Unique components might include specific device drivers or might include optional settings to maximize the performance of the hardware. Microsoft will provide reasonable-effort assistance if you need technical help with a Windows x64 edition. However, you might have to contact your manufacturer directly. Your manufacturer is best qualified to support the software that your manufacturer installed on the hardware. If you purchased a Windows x64 edition such as a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x64 edition separately, contact Microsoft for technical support.

For product information about Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, visit the following Microsoft Web site: For product information about x64-based versions of Microsoft Windows Server 2003, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

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Keywords: KB266416, kbprb

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Article Info
Article ID : 266416
Revision : 5
Created on : 7/9/2009
Published on : 7/9/2009
Exists online : False
Views : 864