To resolve this issue, re-create the global.asa.
To do so, follow these steps:
- Open your web in FrontPage.
- Rename the global.asa file.
- On the Tools menu, click Web Settings.
- On the Database tab, click Add.
- In the New Database Connection dialog box, configure as necessary to create a valid database connection.
- When you are finished, click OK.
- Repeat steps 4-6 as necessary to re-create all the database connections that you need for this web.
- When all the database connections have been re-created, click OK.
When you view the Database Results properties, the database connection list should now appear to be populated.
If you have existing pages that use the Database Results component, you need to reset them to the proper database connection by going into the Database Results properties.
After the database connection has been reset in the Database Results properties, the page should indicate that the database connection works.