If you create a new package with Access 2000 SR-1 Run-Time and redistribute it with the same database and package name, the Access database on each user's computer will be overwritten. Also, if Access 2000 Run-Time Minimum is already on the computer, Access 2000 SR-1 Run-Time is not installed. For these reasons, it is recommended you use the method described below.
On each computer, remove the Access Run-Time Minimum program, and then install Access 2000 SR-1 Run-Time, as detailed in the following steps:
Order the Microsoft Office 2000 Developer Service Release 1 fulfillment CD.
NOTE: Access 2000 SR-1 Run-Time is only available on the fulfillment CD and is not part of the Microsoft Office 2000 Developer Service Release 1 download from Microsoft.For additional information about Microsoft Office 2000 Developer Service Release 1 and how to order the fulfillment CD, click the article number below
to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
MOD2000: How to Obtain and Install Microsoft Office 2000 Developer Service Release 1 (SR-1)
At each computer that has the solution installed, on the Start menu, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
- In Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs.
Click Microsoft Access 2000 Runtime, and then click Add/Remove. If you are running Microsoft Windows 2000, click Change/Remove.
On the Access Runtime Setup screen, click Remove Microsoft Access 2000 Runtime. When prompted if you are sure, click Yes.
NOTE: By doing it this way, you only remove Access 2000 Run-Time Minimum and not your application data or shortcut.
Install Access 2000 SR-1 Run-Time either from the fulfillment CD or from a network share. Make sure to install it in the same folder where Access 2000 Run-Time Minimum was installed.