To implement this hotfix, you must have a developer license.
You do not have to have rights to the data stores unless you have to perform data repair.
ELSE IF Location."Require Pick" THEN BEGIN
WhseShptLine.SETCURRENTKEY("Item No.","Location Code","Variant Code");
WhseShptLine.SETRANGE("Item No.",ItemNo);
WhseShptLine.SETRANGE("Location Code",LocationCode);
WhseShptLine.SETRANGE("Variant Code",VariantCode);
// Delete the following lines.
WhseShptLine.CALCSUMS("Qty. Outstanding (Base)","Qty. Picked (Base)");
IF WhseShptLine."Qty. Outstanding (Base)" < WhseShptLine."Qty. Picked (Base)" THEN
QtyOnOutboundBins1 := WhseShptLine."Qty. Outstanding (Base)"
QtyOnOutboundBins1 := WhseShptLine."Qty. Picked (Base)";
// End of the lines.
EXIT(QtyOnOutboundBins1 + QtyOnOutboundBins2);
ELSE IF Location."Require Pick" THEN BEGIN
WhseShptLine.SETCURRENTKEY("Item No.","Location Code","Variant Code");
WhseShptLine.SETRANGE("Item No.",ItemNo);
WhseShptLine.SETRANGE("Location Code",LocationCode);
WhseShptLine.SETRANGE("Variant Code",VariantCode);
// Add the following lines.
WhseShptLine.CALCSUMS("Qty. Outstanding (Base)","Qty. Picked (Base)","Qty. Shipped (Base)");
IF WhseShptLine."Qty. Outstanding (Base)" < (WhseShptLine."Qty. Picked (Base)" - WhseShptLine."Qty. Shipped (Base)") THEN
QtyOnOutboundBins1 := WhseShptLine."Qty. Outstanding (Base)"
QtyOnOutboundBins1 := WhseShptLine."Qty. Picked (Base)" - WhseShptLine."Qty. Shipped (Base)";
// End of the lines.
EXIT(QtyOnOutboundBins1 + QtyOnOutboundBins2);