Method 1
To resolve this issue, add a step to either the System Center Configuration Manager or Microsoft Deployment Toolkit task sequence to change the
Locale value of the Default User profile (ntuser.dat) by using a batch file that is located in the machine build. This value is located in the following registry key:
HKEY_USERS\ntuser.dat\Control Panel\International
For example, follow these steps:
- Create a command file in C:\Temp that is called "SetLocale.cmd."
- Copy and paste the following text into the new file, and then save the file:
reg load HKU\ntuser.dat c:\users\default\ntuser.dat
reg import locale.reg
reg unload HKU\ntuser.dat
- Create a new file in C:\Temp that is called "Locale.reg"
- Copy the following text into the new file, and then save the file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
HKEY_USERS\ntuser.dat\Control Panel\International]
- Add "C:\temp\SetLocale.cmd" as a new entry in the task sequence.
Note For MDT you will have to add it to the StateRestore phase.
Method 2 (for System Center Configuration Manager)
- In system Center Configuration Manager, create a package. For example, create a package that is named "Unattend XML Scripts."
- Create an Unattend.xml file that has the correct international settings in the Specialize and OOBE settings, and then save the file in the Package source folder. An example for Windows 7 x86 (32-bit) is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
<settings pass="specialize">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">
<settings pass="oobeSystem">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="" xmlns:xsi="">
- In the SCCM OSD task sequence, on the "Apply Operating System" task, set to "Use and unattended or Sysprep answer file for a custom installation," select the package above, and then type the name of the XML. For examply, type Unattend.xml.