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[SDP 3][4d932503-ca3c-469c-9719-1ca0964a0e03] Microsoft Dynamics CRM IIS Memory Dump diagnostic

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The Microsoft Dynamics CRM IIS Memory Dump diagnostic collects crash or hang dump files for the CRMAppPool service account that is configured on the server that is running Microsoft Dynamics CRM and IIS. This article contains information about the data that is collected by the Microsoft Dynamics CRM IIS Memory Dump diagnostic.

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More Information

Note The diagnostic that is described in this article can be used on the following versions of Windows:

  • Windows 7
  • Windows 2008 R2

Information that is collected

The following data may be collected by the CRM IIS Memory Dump diagnostic when the diagnostic is run by the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool.

  • All file names in the data collection are prefaced with the name of the computer on which the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool is run.
  • The diagnostic uses the ProcDump tool to generate one or more .dmp files when the selected application either stops responding or closes unexpectedly. For more information about the ProcDump tool, go to the following Microsoft TechNet website:
Unresponsive application dump data
The following files are generated and collected when you select the The application has become unresponsive option when you are prompted by the diagnostic.

In this scenario, up to three .dmp files are generated, 10 seconds apart, to capture memory details about the unresponsive state of the selected application. Because these files are typically very large, the diagnostic may take several minutes to finish.

File name
The text file that lists the compressed (.zip) files that are generated by the diagnostic. Provides the .zip file names and parent folder location.
The .zip file that contains a compressed .dmp file
The text file that contains output information for the ProcDump tool. For example, the file lists the location and names of the uncompressed .dmp files.

Crash dump data
The following files are generated and collected when you select the The application is crashing or terminating unexpectedly option when you are prompted by the diagnostic. For crash scenarios, the diagnostic will wait for any second-chance exceptions to occur and then create a .dmp file for that process.

File name
The text file that contains the name of the compressed (.zip) file that is generated by the diagnostic. Provides the .zip file name and parent location.
The .zip file that contains a compressed .dmp file
The text file that contains output information from the ProcDump tool. For example, the file lists the location and name of the uncompressed .dmp files.

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For more information about this topic, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
973559 Frequently asked questions about the Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) for Windows 7

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Keywords: kbmbspartner, kbmbsmigrate, kbsurveynew, kb

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Article Info
Article ID : 2606908
Revision : 1
Created on : 1/7/2017
Published on : 7/10/2012
Exists online : False
Views : 253