To implement this hotfix, you must have a developer license.
You do not have to have rights to the data stores unless you have to perform data repair.
To resolve this problem, change the code in Data Item Number 2 in the "VAT Register - Print" report (12120) as follows:
AccPeriod.SETRANGE("New Fiscal Year",TRUE);
AccPeriod.SETFILTER("Starting Date",'<=%1',StartingDate);
// Delete the following lines.
IF AccPeriod."Starting Date" = StartingDate THEN
VATRegister."Last Printed VAT Register Page" := 0;
// End of the lines.
IF PrintingType = PrintingType::Reprint THEN BEGIN
ReprintInfo.GET(ReprintInfo.Report::"VAT Register - Print",StartingDate,EndingDate,Code);
VATRegister."Last Printed VAT Register Page" := ReprintInfo."Last Printed Page";
AccPeriod.SETRANGE("New Fiscal Year",TRUE);
AccPeriod.SETFILTER("Starting Date",'<=%1',StartingDate);
// Add the following lines.
IF AccPeriod."Starting Date" = StartingDate THEN BEGIN
VATRegister."Last Printed VAT Register Page" := 0;
"Last Printed VAT Register Page" := 0;
// End of the lines.
IF PrintingType = PrintingType::Reprint THEN BEGIN
ReprintInfo.GET(ReprintInfo.Report::"VAT Register - Print",StartingDate,EndingDate,Code);
VATRegister."Last Printed VAT Register Page" := ReprintInfo."Last Printed Page";