The MSDN document does not clearly state what Wait action really does. The parameter
Wait 0 0
means that the routing process waits for a certain time based on the existing "waiting time." The waiting time depends on the following items:
� | The amount of time that was previously used for Wait action. |
� | The time interval that is specified in the Time Scheduled Event. |
For example, if you set the time interval for 15 minutes from the Scheduled Event, and you have the following routing map:
1010 Wait 0 10080
1012 Goto 0 1020
1014 Wait 0 0
2000 DoSomething 2
the second Wait action uses the existing time (15 minutes that is set from the Scheduled Event) and the 10,080 minutes that is used by the first Wait action. As the result, DoSomething action in the above map is not executed until either the timeout expires (10,080 minutes) or it receives the "Approved/Rejected" message.