You may find a file called Refer.mdb in the Exchsrvr\Mdbdata folder, where the Priv.edb or Pub.edb file is located.
You may be unable to run Edbutil. You may also be unable to run the
isinteg -fix command; it may cause an access violation or an unhandled exception. You may be unable to restore the information store from an online backup, and you may be unable to start the information store service. Either the Priv.edb file, the Pub.edb file, or both files may be inconsistent.
The following error message may be logged in the Microsoft Windows NT Event Viewer application event log:
Event ID: 37
Type: Warning
Category: Logging/Recovery
Description: MSExchangeIS 245 Unable to read header of database.
x:\exchsrvr\mdbdata\Refer.mdb error -1206.
NOTE: Other possible event IDs that reference the Refer.mdb file are event ID 39, event ID 200, event ID 132, and event ID 145. Most commonly, however, the event ID that refers to this file is event ID 37.