An SNA 3270 or APPC/CPIC application may experience a delay when you initially open a session through a Microsoft Windows 2000 Server that is running Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000. This problem occurs when you run the Win5250 emulator on Host Integration Server 2000 configured to use Active Directory.
When you enable the SNA Application full internal traces by using the Snatrace.exe tool, the following delays and error messages occur in the resulting Cliint1.atf file. (Note that some data has been omitted for readability).
15:21:14.0298 PADR Picked request to initialize Directory
15:21:15.0409 GWAOLI Number of Wksta assigned OUs = 1
15:21:15.0409 IOLI Use wksta OU OU=server,DC=server2000,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com
15:21:15.0409 IWMI Get WMI servers for OU=server,DC=server2000,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com
15:21:15.0449 IWMI Next finally failed 1
15:21:15.0459 IWMI Found locally running WMI server
15:21:15.0459 IWMI Plan to use WMI server SERVER5
15:21:16.0131 MLCOOL OU=server,DC=SERVER2000,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com||||SNA Domain=SERVER2
15:21:16.0131 ISNAADSI SNAADSIInit is successful
15:21:16.0141 PADR Get server list for LU BIGBLUE2
15:21:16.0141 WLLP WMILocateAppcLUInOU for BIGBLUE2, OU=server,DC=server2000,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com
15:21:16.0141 CTWS Locate WMI server for OU=server,DC=server2000,DC=nttest,DC=microsoft,DC=com
15:21:16.0401 CTWS Connecting to WMI server SERVER5
15:21:19.0205 WLLP Run query SELECT Alias FROM MsSna_LuAppcLocal WHERE Alias="BIGBLUE2"
15:21:20.0066 WLLP Query SELECT Alias FROM MsSna_LuAppcLocal WHERE Alias="BIGBLUE2" failed, error 80041013
15:21:20.0066 WLLP Run query SELECT Alias FROM MsSna_LuAppcRemote WHERE Alias="BIGBLUE2"
15:21:20.0187 WLLP Query SELECT Alias FROM MsSna_LuAppcRemote WHERE Alias="BIGBLUE2" failed, error 80041013
15:21:20.0187 ADPSL No servers found in list
15:21:20.0187 build_srv_list_callback Entry
15:21:20.0187 QAPCB Query LU server list failed, rc 1
Note the 2-second delay when the Active Directory interface is initialized and the 3-second delay when you connect to the WMI server running on Server5. Also, note the error message that is returned when WMI is queried, and the WMI error information taken from the Microsoft Platform SDK documentation, as follows:
COM cannot locate a provider referenced in the schema. This error may be caused by any of the following:
- The provider is using a WMI DLL that does not match the .lib file used when the provider was built.
- The provider's DLL or any of the DLLs on which it depends is corrupt.
- The provider failed to export DllRegisterServer.
- An in-process provider was not registered using the regsvr32 command.
- An out-of-process provider that was not registered using the /regserver switch. For example, myprog.exe /regserver.